NDSU Extension Getting It Right crop production webinars scheduled for winter 2024-2025
NDSU Extension’s popular Getting It Right crop production webinars are scheduled for this winter.
With the retirement of long-time Getting It Right co-chairs Greg Endres and Hans Kandel, new hosts are Ana Carcedo and Jeff Stachler, Extension agronomists hired to fill the on-campus and Carrington-REC-based roles previously held by Kandel and Endres.
While prior years featured four or five crop species, this season will address common and emerging production issues for six North Dakota crops:
Long-time participants will recognize familiar NDSU Extension specialists Joe Ikley, Jan Knodel, Frayne Olson, Andrew Friskop, Sam Markell. New to the Getting It Right panelist board are new members of NDSU’s Soils team Brady Goettl and Chandler Gruener. Expect fresh perspectives on business aspects and industry news from David Ripplinger and commodity representatives. Participants in the flax session will hear from two breeders, NDSU’s Muklesur Rahman and Bunyamin Tar’an from the University of Saskatchewan.
Ana Carcedo, along with hosting sessions, will also lead a meaningful tutorial of NDSU Variety Tool. The app at www.vt.ag.ndsu.edu allows producers to customize their search by crop, location, and other factors.
Sponsors for the series include the North Dakota Soybean Council, the North Dakota Corn Utilization Council, the National Sunflower Association, Ameriflax, the Northarvest Bean Growers Association, and the Northern Canola Growers Association.
Sessions will be broadcast on Zoom, and will begin at 8:30 a.m. on the scheduled dates. Presentations will be recorded and archived for later viewing.
Pre-registration is required to secure a Zoom invitation, but there is no fee to participate.
Linda Schuster
Administrative Assistant