COMM 242 Quiz: Composition for photojournalists

1. When considering composition, ethical photojournalists
a. try to avoid scenes lit by available light.
b. try to avoid posed scenes.
c. try to avoid cropping.
d. try to move objects in Photoshop for best composition.

2. Our eyes see blurry double images of the background behind objects we focus on. This isolates the objects from the background, giving a feeling of dimension to our view. The camera can’t do this, however, meaning
a. F/stops and shutter speeds need to correct.
b. background will appear more distracting in a photograph than in real life.
c. a camera lens must compensate for the eye’s “blind spot.”
d. color shifts of “white” light must be corrected in Photoshop.

3. Elements of composition most useful to photojournalists include line, shape, tone, and texture. One good way to emphasize tone, is to
a. use lighting to emphasize texture.
b. use lighting to create low key image.
c. use lighting to create high key image.
d. use lighting to emphasize the halo, or rim light effect.

4. The composition principle of dominance can be best emphasized by
a. including detail in both highlights and shadows.
b. including objects in several planes, such as foreground and background.
c. including repeated patterns.
d. including a strong center of interest.

5. The compositional principle of “rhythm and repetition” could be best illustrated by
a. including tree branches in the foreground of a scenic photo of mountains.
b. including fence posts leading to a center of interest.
c. relying on the “rule of thirds” to frame a subject.
d. cropping to eliminate a cluttered background.

6. The “rule of thirds” may be a bit cliché, but it’s still useful as
a. a way to avoid distracting backgrounds.
b. a way to avoid placing a dominant element directly in the center of the frame.
c. a way to avoid distracting “leading lines” such as telephone wires in a background.
d. a way to correct placement of objects in foreground, middle ground, and background.

7. Photo editors generally look for
a. photos that include people.
b. photos that tell a story.
c. photos that accurately reflect the event depicted.
d. All of the above.

8. We discussed a photo from a small weekly newspaper depicting a group of people watching a basketball game. Composition problems of this photo included
a. no center of interest.
b. boring camera angle.
c. poorly focused.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above.

9. When considering color generation systems for photojournalists, which system begins with black, adds colors, and is used primarily for computer monitors and televisions?
a. CMYK system.
b. Hue/Saturation/Brightness (HSB) system.
c. RGB system.
d. All of the above.

10. Whish of the above is used primarily for printing on paper?
a. CMYK system.
b. B. Hue/Saturation/Brightness (HSB) system.
c. RGB system.
d. All of the above.