Apply for Housing

Welcome home to NDSU Residence Life. We are excited for you to live with the herd!

Fall 2025

First-year students:

Applications open October 1, 2024: After you have been formally admitted to NDSU, your next step is to apply for on-campus housing. Applying for housing doesn't commit you to NDSU, but it sets you up for success and secures your space for this fall.

First-Year Students: Fall 2025

Transfer or Graduate Students

Applications open October 1, 2024: After you have been formally admitted to NDSU, your next step is to apply for on-campus housing. As a transfer or graduate student, you are eligible for our upper division living options for non-first year students which includes residence halls and apartments. Applying for housing doesn't commit you to NDSU, but it sets you up for success and success and secures your space for this fall.

Transfer or Graduate: Fall 2025  

Current NDSU Students: Fall or Spring 

Upper division (non-first year) students can live in any residence hall on campus, plus the NDSU apartments. Learn about all of our upper division student living opportunities, and apply today.

Residence Hall Application

Apartment Application 

Living on Campus

Live Closer: The convenience of living on campus can’t be beat, it simply makes life easier. 

Live Connected: Friends, on-campus activities, campus resources, on-campus dining—living on campus keeps you connected to the things you care about.

Live Smarter: Students who live on campus have better grades than those who live off campus, and are more likely to graduate in four years. 

Live Secure: Residence Halls and on-campus apartments have 24-hour keycard secure entrances, entrance security cameras, and 24/7 coverage by NDSU Police, professional housing staff and resident assistants. 

Live Supported: Live next door to your friends, and surround yourself with professional support systems like campus staff, faculty and Student Success Programs.  

Live Nourished: A variety of culinary options within walking distance means you don’t have to worry about finding something healthy and delicious.

Live Better: You will have more opportunities to get involved and grow your decision making, communication, cultural competence and problem solving skills. You’ll have resume-building experiences and be more prepared for life after graduation. 

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