
In order to become a member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers at NDSU one must fulfil these requirements:

  • Be a graduate or undergraduate in the agricultural and/or biosystems engineering field
  • Maintain a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA
  • Students from other disciplines may join the club as Associate Members
  • After becoming a member, students are eligible to join the National Organization
  • The club collects yearly dues of $10.00 per semester.

Dues paid to the club will help with purchasing food and clothing during the year.

We keep a membership list and bring it to every meeting in order to keep track of attendance. Our chapter had 44 members on record at the beginning at the fall semester. At the end of the spring semester, we had 41 members on record.

Branch Officers

The responsibilities of the officer positions are outlined as follows.

  • President

1. Preside over meetings according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure.
2. Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio (non-voting) member.
3. Coordinate the activities of the branch.
4. Represent the branch in public relations and official functions.

  • Vice President

1. Assume all duties of the president if necessary.
2. Coordinate all committee work.
3. Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress toward meeting branch goals.
4. Establish and maintain a branch resource file.
5. Help to organize any and all group volunteer opportunities.

  • Treasurer

1. Receive, record and deposit ASABE funds and issue receipts.
2. Present bi-monthly treasurer's reports at branch meetings.
3. Collect dues.
4. Maintain a neat and accurate ASABE branch checkbook.
5. Prepare and submit the membership roster to the National ASABE in cooperation with the secretary.

  • Secretary

1. Prepare and post the agenda for each branch meeting.
2. Prepare and present the minutes of each branch meeting.
3. Place all committee reports in the designated area
4. Be responsible for branch correspondence.
5. Maintain member attendance and activity records.

  • Scribes

1. Release news and information to local and regional news media.
2. Publish a branch newsletter.
3. Prepare and maintain a branch scrapbook.
4. Serve as the chapter photographer.
5. Organize the yearly AEM Report, update the website, and submit the report.

  • Advisor

1. Supervise branch activities year-round.
2. Inform prospective students about ASABE.
3. Instruct students in leadership and personal development.
4. Build school and community support for the program.
5. Encourage involvement of all branch members in activities.


At NDSU we currently have several committees in place:

  • Recruitment -In charge of looking at new ways to reach out to incoming freshman and current students in hope of having them join ASABE.
  • Spring/Fall Picnic - Every spring and fall the NDSU Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department has a big picnic where students and staff meet and greet, this event is largely organized by our club and the ASM club.
  • Agricultural Technology Expo. - This exposition gives many of our members a chance to shine for their colleagues and staff, as well as visiting members from industry. Our committee helps to organize and facilitate help for the event.
  • Agricultural Peer Mentorship Program – This group helps Alpha Epsilon manage a fledgling enterprise to the department. Our members help pair new students with older ones they feel will most beneficial to helping the student succeed in ABEN.
  • Other committees are organized as the need arises.
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