Temporary Medical or Pregnancy and Parenting Application
If you have a temporary medical condition or are requesting accommodations because of pregnancy:
1. Complete an Application through the Bison Accessibility Portal.
2. Once you have filled out an application, you will need to upload documentation from your medical providor. Note: If you have difficulty submitting documentation through the Bison Accessibility Portal, you can submit documentation securely using our secure file transfer. https://filetransfer.ndsu.edu/filedrop/ndsu.dsdrop@ndsu.edu or fax your documentation to 701-2318520.
3) After you have filled out an application and submitted your supporting documentation, schedule an appointment with an Accessibility Specialist by calling (701) 231-8463
Specific information regarding temporary medical information and pregnancy related needs can be gathered by emailing ndsu.cadr@ndsu.edu.