Laptop Requirements & Software Information
A laptop computer is required when students begin the first year of the interior design program. Please see the link for specific hardware and software information. Software information will be e-mailed to students registered in fall introductory courses. A printer and digital camera are highly recommended.
Interior Design Laptop Requirements
Click this link to order your computer through the NDSU Bookstore
If you are having difficulty downloading software or need assistance go to the ITS Help Desk, Quentin Burdick Building, Room 150.
NDSU ITS Help Desk available hours ⇒

Technology Resources
The NDSU Technology Learning and Media Center (TLMC) provides workshops, and helps students explore various media technologies, and answer any questions about Adobe Creative Cloud and any of the Adobe Creative Cloud software applications, i.e. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat Pro DC.
Explore NDSU Technology Learning & Media Center ⇒
There are several helpful websites and video tutorials available to students:
View Adobe Photoshop Tutorial Videos ⇒
View Adobe Illustrator Tutorial Videos ⇒
View SketchUp Tutorial Videos ⇒

Let's get started!

Interior Design Program Coordinator
Susan Ray-Degges
E. Morrow Lebedeff Hall 178
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Phone: (701) 231-7218
Email: susan.raydegges@ndsu.edu