Research Overview

To allocate capital efficiently in a market-based economy, we need to understand the financing and investment decisions made by the management of companies in pursuit of corporate goals. This need has grown further in the aftermath of the 2008-2009 financial crisis that has had a colossal impact on global economy. Dr. Huseynov’s research focuses on the issues related to the factors impacting corporate decisions and their implications on financial markets. He has specifically studied the determinants of corporate tax avoidance, accounting manipulations, and capital structure decisions and their impact on corporate performance. 

Research Interests

  • Corporate Finance
  • International Finance
  • Banking

Current Research

Currently, in one of his studies, Huseynov examines corporate tax avoidance behavior around the financial crisis. This research contributes to the debate on whether shareholders benefit from corporate tax avoidance and how financial crisis influences corporate policies. In a separate project, he examines the financing decisions of firms when they are investing in uncertain growth opportunities. Dr. Huseynov’s main goal is to learn why firms deviate from well-known theories of capital structure and issue the “wrong” securities. Answering this question will help us bridge the gap between different theories and practice. In an inter-disciplinary study, he investigates whether strong brand reputation can limit accounting manipulations which allows him to apply his research to the marketing discipline.


Dr. Huseynov’s work has been published in journals such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Financial Management, International Review of Economics and Finance and received about 200 citations. He presented his work in various international and regional academic conferences, including annual meetings of Financial Management Association. He is also periodically invited to peer-review papers submitted to various journals, including Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business Research.

Besides working on research, Dr. Huseynov enjoys teaching and mentoring students. He is a faculty adviser for the NDSU’s student managed investment fund where students apply their classwork into real world settings via managing a portfolio of about $1.3 million assets. He works with the CFA Society of Minnesota to keep up with the current industry practices and promote NDSU’s program. Huseynov also occasionally shares his views through various media programs in Azerbaijan to contribute to the development of his country of origin.  

Select Publications

“Brand Equity, Earnings Management, and Financial Reporting Irregularities?” with Ismail, G., Jain, P.K., McInish, T.H., Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2020, forthcoming

“Bank Earnings Management and Analysts Following: Evidence from Abnormal Loan Loss Provisions” with Hong, Y., Sardarli, S., and Zhang, W., Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2020, 55: 29-54

“Corporate Tax Avoidance and Mutual Fund Ownership” with Doellman, T., Nasser, T., and Sardarli, S., Accounting and Business Research, 2020, Vol, 50, No. 6, 608-635

“Corporate Governance, Tax Avoidance, and Financial Constraints,” with Bayar, O. and Sardarli, S., Financial Management, 2018, Vol 47, 651-677 

 “Corporate Financing and Target Following: New Tests and Evidence” with Chauhan G. S., Journal of Corporate Finance, 2018, Vol 48, 840-856

“Earnings Management and Analyst Following: A Simultaneous Equations Analysis,” with Hong, Y. and Zhang, W., Financial Management, 2014, Vol. 43, 355-390.

“Bank Credits and Non-Oil Economic Growth: Evidence from Azerbaijan,” with Hasanov, F., 2013,International Review of Economics and Finance, 2013, Vol. 27, 597-610.

“Tax Avoidance, Tax Management, and Corporate Social Responsibility,” with Klamm B., Journal of Corporate Finance, 2012, Vol. 18, 804–827.

"Does index addition affect corporate tax avoidance?", with Sardarli S. and Zhang, W. 2017. Journal of Corporate Finance, 43, 241-259 

Fariz Huseynov

Professor of Finance
Richard H. Barry Hall, 202
(701) 231-5704


  • Ph.D. University of Memphis (Finance)
  • MBA, Ball State University (Finance)
  • BBA, Istanbul University, Turkey
  • AD, Marmara University, Turkey (Banking)


  • Investment Analysis and Management
  • International Finance 
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