Teach at the NDSU College of Business

Adjunct Instructor: Position Details 

The College of Business is seeking applications for part-time adjunct instructors for one or more of the following areas:

  • Accounting
  • Banking and Finance
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Information Systems
  • Insurance
  • Management
  • Marketing/Sales
  • Supply Chain Management

Essential Functions:

  • Instruct and facilitate meaningful learning of the course outcomes in the curriculum
  • Develop a syllabus that will follow a set schedule for lectures, assignments and exams
  • Utilize technology in the performance of job duties, including Blackboard Ultra for communication and grading
  • Set and communicate consistent weekly office hours for students
  • Communicate consistently and effectively with supervisor(s), faculty, and other staff

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Master's degree or higher, with at least 5 years of industry/professional experience in a discipline related to the area of teaching; or a doctoral degree in a discipline related to the area of teaching
  • Evidence of currency in the area of teaching
  • Previous teaching experience is helpful, but not required

Salary: $5,000+/ course
The following salary range reflects compensation paid for a 3-credit undergraduate course. Total compensation is based on the number of courses taught and corresponding credits for each course.

Application Procedure:
Adjunct positions are filled as needed through ongoing recruitment. Applicants are contacted and hired year-round based on college needs. This pool is open continuously and refreshed every two years.

Please complete the application and upload the required documents below.

  • Letter of Interest
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • References: Names, email, and phone numbers of at least 3 people not related to you whom we may contact for an evaluation of your professional abilities


Resume or Curriculum Vitae should include:

  • Recent employment: Position/title, full/part-time, dates of employment
  • Colleges/universities attended: Location, undergrad & graduate majors, minors, & areas of concentration.
  • Teaching experience (if applicable): Name and location of institutions, title/academic rank, full/part-time, dates of employment, courses taught
  • Publications, presentations, honors, awards, and memberships in professional organizations
  • Any other qualifying experience, paid/voluntary, other


If I work traditional hours of 8 – 5pm, are there still opportunities to teach? It’s possible, but most undergraduate classes occur during morning and daytime hours.

About how many hours of time does will be required of me? We typically say about 8 hours per week should be dedicated to each 3-credit class. This time includes prep, teaching/class, grading, office hours, and communication with students.

Who would support me?  Would I be creating the curriculum? You will receive dedicated support from your department chair and College staff. To assist in developing your course, we will provide resources, including textbook recommendations, sample syllabi, assignments, and exams from past courses. Our goal is to give you a strong foundation while allowing the flexibility to tailor the course to your expertise and teaching style. You’ll have the guidance you need, along with the freedom to bring your unique strengths into the classroom.

How many courses will I teach? You can do as little as 1 course per semester, or up to 4 courses per year.

Will I teach in person or online? Both are available

For additional questions, please contact: 
Joe Szmerekovsky
Associate Dean/Professor of Transportation and Supply Chain
Richard H. Barry Hall, 102H 
(701) 231-8128  |  joseph.szmerekovsky@ndsu.edu

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