Welcome to CCMSA!


The main purpose of the center is to develop excellent research at NDSU in the area of computational modeling, simulation, and analytics of engineering systems supporting the growing industries in North Dakota and to promote computational modeling and simulation education in the state and nation. The center will have local companies, other universities, and NDSU entities as members to conduct collaborative and applied research projects on complex industrially relevant engineering problems and undertake educational programs.


Officially established in 2014, CCMSA (formerly CQRME) is operating under the North Dakota State University (NDSU) and supported by external industries. The center has a Director who reports to the Dean College of Engineering. The Center has a policy board that ensures that the center activities are consistent with academic policies and procedures of NDSU. The industry sponsor advisory board (ISAB) consists of voting members from each participating company with full membership. The ISAB advises the Director on setting goals and future research direction, setting research priorities, and making recommendation on research projects to be funded. The organization chart of the CCMSA is shown below. 

The Center operates in consultation with the Dean College of Engineering regarding academic impacts of participation by NDSU faculty and student in Center activities.

The Center operates in cooperation with industrial and manufacturing engineering and other department chairs to involve faculty members and students interested in working on the research projects offered by the Center and participating companies. 

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