Kylie Hall, MPH

CIRE Operations Director
640K Aldevron Tower
Kylie Hall is the Operations Director of the North Dakota State University Department of Public Health Center for Immunization Research and Education (CIRE). She joined the NDSU Department of Public Health in 2015. Her work has encompassed many vaccine topics, including immunization policy and practice, communication strategies to address vaccine hesitancy at the medical encounter, immunization improvement strategies, immunization data evaluation, immunization disparities and improving vaccine confidence.
She completed her Master’s Degree in Public Health from North Dakota State University in August 2015, where she specialized in the Management of Infectious Disease. She received a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from NDSU in 2013.
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and three children. Kylie is happy to report that they are all fully vaccinated.
Professional Societies
2016- present, The North Dakota Public Health Association
2017 and 2020, NDSU Staff Recognition Award
Grant Funding
Prevent Cancer Foundation Community Grants: Evidence Based Promotion of 2016, HPV Vaccination at the Medical Encounter, $25,000
Skoy E, Dybsand L, Hall K, Carson P. Assessment of a Virtual Educational Program on Health Professional Students’ Vaccine Knowledge, Attitues, and Confidence Managing Patient Hesitancy. Education in the Health Professions 2022; 5(1): 13-19.
Dybsand L, Hall K, Ulven J, Carson P. Improving Provider Confidence in Addressing the Vaccine-Hesitant Parent: A Pilot Project of Two Contrasting Communication Strategies. Clinical Pediatrics 2020 Jan; 59(1):87-91.
Dybsand L, Hall K, Carson P. Immunization Attitudes, Opinions and Knowledge of Healthcare Professional Students at Two Midwestern Universities in the United States. BMC Medical Education 2019; 19(242).
Skoy E, Kelsch M, Hall K, Choi B, Carson P. Increasing Adult Immunization Rates in a Rural State Through Targeted Pharmacist Education. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2020; 60(6); 301-306.
Hall K, Howell M, Jansen R, Carson P. Enforcement Associated with Higher School-Reported Immunization Rates. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2017; 53(6): 892-897.
Presented Posters and Abstracts
Nichols A, Abed M, Hall K, Carson P. Pediatric Influenza Vaccination Rates Prior To and During COVID-19 Pandemic Years in North Dakota: Disparities and Successes. Accepted at: APHA 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo; November 12-15, 2023; Atlanta, GA.
Carson P, Dybsand L, Ulven J, Hall K. Provider Confidence and Satisfaction with Communication Strategies to Address Vaccine Hesitancy. Oral Presentation, North Dakota Immunization Conference, Bismarck, ND, July 2018.
Carson P, Dybsand L, Ulven J, Hall K. Provider Confidence and Satisfaction with Communication Strategies to Address Vaccine Hesitancy. Poster Presentation, Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health, Grand Forks, ND, June 2018.
Carson P, Dybsand L, Ulven J, Hall K. Provider Confidence and Satisfaction with Communication Strategies to Address Vaccine Hesitancy. Oral Presentation, CDC National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 2018.
Carson P, Dybsand L, Ulven J, Hall K. Provider Confidence and Satisfaction with Communication Strategies to Address Vaccine Hesitancy. Poster Presentation, American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, Chicago, IL, Sept 2017.
Hall K, Howell M, Schwartz A, Pinnick D, Fix N, Gold A, Jansen R, Carson PJ. Major recommendations from a comprehensive study to improve school immunization rates in North Dakota. Oral presentation, 47th National Immunization Conference, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, Sept 2016.
Hall K, Howell M, Schwartz A, Jansen R, Carson PJ. School enforcement of state immunization requirements leads to increases in immunization rates in North Dakota. Oral presentation, 47th National Immunization Conference, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, Sept 2016.
Hall K, Howell M, Schwartz A, Pinnick D, Fix N, Gold A, Jansen R, Carson PJ. Immunization and Exemption Policies and Practices in North Dakota: A Comprehensive Review and Recommendations for Improvement. Oral presentation, North Dakota Immunization Conference, Bismarck, ND, August 2016.
Accepted Posters and Abstracts
Hall K, Howell M, Swartz S, Unger L, Woinarowicz M, Carson P. High Rates of HPV Vaccination in Rural North Dakota. Oral presentation, National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 2020. Canceled due to COVID-19.
Technical and Solicited Publications (Non Peer-Reviewed)
Hall K, Pinnick D, Fix N, Jansen R, Gold A, Carson P. Immunization and Exemption Policies and Practices in North Dakota: A Comprehensive Review and Recommendations for Improvement. North Dakota State University Center for Immunization Research and Education, Fargo, ND, June 2016.