
The Center is overseen by a Board of Directors made up by the Political Science faculty in the Departments of Criminal Justice and Political Science at North Dakota State University. Each Political Science faculty member serves as co-directors with an equal vote on Center matters, unless they choose not to be a co-director. Currently, there are four co-directors. Thus, a majority vote requires three votes.
Co-directors can be added from outside Political Science can be added to the Board through a majority vote by the existing Board.
Votes on Center matters can be cast in person, transmitted via email or some other means, or through proxy.
NDSU faculty members wishing to work with the Center at some point in time can become Affiliated Faculty. Through this affiliation, NDSU faculty can submit proposals to the Board and kept informed of Board decisions.
An Advisory Committee made up of local and state officials and others involved in public policy and administration may be formed to provide informal guidance and advice to the Center’s Board. Such a committee also serves as a means for the Center to work with state, local, and nonprofit agencies.
A Managing Director shall be appointed by the Board to oversee day-to-day Center operations. Such operations include, but are not limited to: webpage maintenance, media interviews and consultation, and regular communications with NDSU administration. The managing director must be a member of the Board of Directors.
Currently, the Managing Director is Dr. Nick Bauroth.