Uwe Burghaus
Associate Professor
Research Interest(s):
According to estimates at least 60% of the industrial products and 90% of chemical transformations are based on catalysts. Most large-scale catalytic processes are heterogeneously catalyzed. This is the area of our research. We aim towards an atomic level understanding of basic heterogeneously catalyzed processes (surface reactions, adsorption on surfaces).
Past and current project lines
- Application of molecular beam techniques for gaining a deeper mechanistic understanding of gas-surface interactions.
- Measurements on nano-structured catalyst surfaces such as metal nano-clusters, nano-tubes, graphene, graphene oxide, silicatene.
- Two-dimensional crystals such as graphene or silicatene.
- Some nanofabrication such as synthesis of silicatene.
- Quasicrystals.
- Metal-free catalysis.
- Local, domestic, and international collaborations.
- surface science; experimental; heterogeneous catalysis; molecular beam scattering; dynamics; kinetics; spectroscopy; AES; XPS; ultra-high vacuum; UHV; supported cluster; model catalysts; nanocatalysts; metal oxides, metals, semiconductors, graphitic systems, nanoscience, nanotubes, electron beam lithography; ambient pressure materials tests
Mission statement
Developing an atomic level understanding of basic heterogeneously catalyzed processes (surface reactions, adsorption on surfaces). And of course, "Changing the World for the Better, One Article at a Time". :-)
External Links:
Additional Information/Website
List of Publications