Made form text fields auto-clear on click

Created by Jill |

To achieve the highest level of accessibility, all form text fields and textboxes should include some "default text" to alert a Web site viewer to the presence of a text input field.  On the down side, including this default text can annoy users who must delete all the default text before entering valid input.

As a solution, I have modified the mail forms to auto-clear any text inputs.  Text boxes (multiple-line text fields) will not auto-clear, as sometimes it may be useful to put content that doesn't clear.

What this means to you:

  1. You should put default values into all text/textboxes when using the mailform wizard
  2. Users of the mail form you create can benefit from explanitory text that you put as the default value
  3. Users will not be irritated by the need to delete all of the explanitory text from each field

Try clicking a text field today!  Two example forms are at

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