CoE Tech Support

Support for the technology, including computers, printers and peripherals within the College of Engineering is provided by CoE Tech Support.

For best service, use one of the methods below to contact us (listed in order of preference).

  1. Enter a support ticket at http:\\\ceatech\ticket
  2. Send an email to
  3. Call (701) 231-6127
  4. Visit us in CME 120G

Regardless of which method is used, please provide the following information with all requests

  • Your Name
  • Your Department
  • Building name and room number
  • NDSU ID number of the problem equipment
  • Complete description of the problem, including error numbers or messages

Remote Access to College of Engineering Computer Labs

The College of Engineering at NDSU has made the student computer labs within each department available for remote connection for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester. Click below for updated information and instructions.

Remote access to computer labs


To request software installation on any College of Engineering computers, please click the following link and complete the form. Your request will be forwarded to and processed by the appropriate personnel.

College of Engineering Software Requests

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