American Society for Ethnohistory

2024 Annual Meeting - Fargo, North Dakota
Call for Papers
The 2024 organizing committee of the American Society for Ethnohistory invites submissions for the annual meeting to take place September 18-22, 2024, in Fargo, North Dakota.
The committee welcomes presentations that privilege Indigenous perspectives from across the Americas on any topic, but we are especially interested in receiving proposals related to this year’s theme, Colonial (dis)Entanglements. The area that is now Fargo-Moorhead has long been a site of cross-cultural contact and exchange—between diverse Indigenous groups in the precontact past, in French and English colonial encounters, and in the more recent experiences of Native nations with US federal and state governments—and presentations might consider the entanglements that have resulted from encounters across the Americas or other world regions, the effects of these entanglements, or efforts to disentangle. The organizers especially seek to feature programming that engages in collaboration and dialogue with Indigenous nations and communities of the present-day Dakotas/Minnesota, the Midwest, or the Americas more broadly.
We will consider proposals for a variety of session types, including panels, workshops, and roundtables. Panels should consist of three to four papers and an optional commentator/discussant, while workshops and roundtables can be more loosely formatted. All should include a designated chair and adhere to the session’s 90-minute time slot. We will consider individual paper proposals, but strongly encourage individuals to consider posting to H-AmIndian, H-LatAm, H-Borderlands, or similar listservs to find others who are interested in presenting related papers.
The 2024 meeting can ONLY accommodate in-person sessions. Hybrid sessions and remote participation WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE due to the high costs and technical challenges associated with video conferencing in public settings.
Complete sessions should include:
- Chair (required) and commentator (optional)
- Session title and format (panel, workshop, roundtable)
- Session abstract (up to 150 words)
- Names, email addresses, institutional/tribal affiliations of each participant, chair, and commentator
- Title of each presentation (for formal papers)
- Abstract for each presentation (up to 150 words)
- Brief bio for each presenter, chair, and commentator (up to 100 words)
Individual paper proposals should include:
- Name, email address, institutional/tribal affiliation of participant
- Title of presentation
- Abstract of presentation (up to 150 words)
- Brief presenter bio (up to 100 words)
Please submit proposals NO LATER THAN APRIL 15, 2024, using this Google Form.
Direct questions to program committee chairs Dana Velasco Murillo or Bradley Benton.
When making travel arrangements, be aware that sessions will be held beginning Thursday morning, Sept. 19, and ending Saturday evening, Sept. 21. A welcome reception will be held at the conference hotel on Wednesday night, Sept. 18, and the banquet and presidential address will take place Saturday night. Please plan to join us for the entire conference.
To encourage and enable wide participation, the American Society for Ethnohistory will make available some funding, based on need, to help offset the costs of conference travel for graduate students lacking sufficient institutional support and/or scholars of Indigenous background who are unaffiliated with a university or sponsoring institution. For more information, please see the ASE website.