2024 Registration Open

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N.B.: It is longstanding policy of the American Society of Ethnohistory that conference registrants also be current ASE members. Please join/renew your ASE membership through the Duke University Press's website, here, before the conference. Annual conference registration and ASE memberships are distinct.


Registration Fee Schedule

Through July 31: Regular: $150; Students: $100.

Beginning August 1: Regular: $175; Students: $125.

NDSU Students: $0



Optional Add-Ons

Wednesday Evening Welcome/Opening Reception

Cost: $0. Come recover from your day of travel with drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Registering helps us know how much food and drink to have on hand.


Thursday Evening Reception at the Plains Art Museum

Cost: $0. Enjoy food, drinks, and live music at Fargo’s beautiful Plains Art Museum. Also tour the museum’s exhibits, including Water Talks, which explores Native peoples’ relationships with water resources at both Standing Rock in North Dakota and rural Mexico. The Plains Art Museum is a short, three-block walk from the conference hotel. Registration is not required but is appreciated.


Friday Afternoon Biesterfeldt Site Tour

Cost: $0. We will visit three sites that highlight the complex Indigenous past in eastern North Dakota. First is the Biesterfeldt Site, a mid-18th century, 60-house fortified settlement that is believed to represent an ancestral Cheyenne village. Second is Fort Ransom, a small outpost of the US Calvary built in the 1860s to protect white settlers and railroad workers moving west. Third is Pyramid Hill, a natural geographical feature that Nordic-descended settlers in this region have labeled a Viking burial site. This local insistence on an imaginary Viking past often at the expense of the actual Native past underscores the importance of ethnohistorical and archeological scholarship on the northern plains. Tour will be led by George Holley, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Archeology at Minnesota State University Moorhead and co-author of “The Cheyenne Migration and the Biesterfeldt Site Revisited,” Plains Anthropologist (2016). Space is limited, and registration is appreciated.


Saturday Evening Banquet/Presidential Address/Awards Ceremony

Cost: $50. Vegetarian options will be available. Contact conference organizer, Bradley Benton (bradley.benton@ndsu.edu), with requests for any other dietary accommodations.



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