Research Experience for Undergraduates

REU in Cybersecurity and Penetration Testing 

With funding from the U.S. Department of Defense, the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Institute for Cyber Security Education and Research and Department of Computer Science are pleased to offer a unique Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in the area of cybersecurity and penetration testing. 

Selected participants will gain hands-on experience with securing, attacking and developing tools to attack and secure real cyber-physical systems.  They will also gain an appreciation of the security and secure development processes through hands-on software development activities and field trips. We plan to conduct simulated 'red team' exercise and each participant will also work on a long-term security research project as part of a group with key individual outcomes. 

Participants will receive wages of up to $6,000, room and board, and funding for travel to and from NDSU (up to $750). 

The summer 2022 REU program will run June - August, 2022. Application review will begin April 30, 2022 and continue until all positions have been filled. 

Participating undergraduates must be citizens of the United States, pass appropriate screening and enrolled in an undergraduate degree program. Women and members of traditionally underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.  All participants must be at least 18 years of age at the commencement of participation. 

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Have Questions?

Contract Dr. Jeremy Straub at (701) 231-8196 or

About Fargo

Fargo is a vibrant mid-western city with lots of events going on throughout the summer, in addition to those we have scheduled for the REU program.  Learn more about Fargo using the links below:

Fargo Visitor's Bureau

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