The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department offers high quality undergraduate and graduate programs through innovative teaching, imaginative research and scholarship.
Our programs are student focused, project based and designed to give you the tools to succeed.
- 80% of classes included hands-on labs
- 90% of classes are taught by faculty
- 100% of students complete a capstone project, internship, cooperative education experience or research project.
Our undergradute programs are offered in-person or online so you can pick the path that works best for you.
We strive to provide an excellent education for Electrical and Computer Engineering students while contributing to the state and national economy through research and technology development and transfer to industry.
Degrees Offered
We offer B.S., M.S. and Ph. D. degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Software Engineering.
Students are also encouraged to develop an individual program of study in close consultation with their advisers. We offer several areas of specialization including:
- Biomedical Engineering
- Communications and Signal Processing
- Computer Architecture and Very-Large-Scale Integration
- Control Engineering
- Cyber Physical and Embedded Systems
- Electromagnetics and Optics
- Nanotechnology
- Power/Energy and Power Electronics