Dr. Lisa Arnold

Dr. Lisa Arnold
Associate Professor
PhD Rhetoric and Composition (University of Louisville, 2011)
Office: Minard 318E32
Phone: (701) 231-5097
Research/Teaching: Histories of Writing Instruction, Writing Pedagogy, Writing Program Administration, Multilingual and Transnational Literacy Practices
In August 2015, I moved from Beirut, Lebanon, to Fargo to begin a new position as an Assistant Professor of English and Director of NDSU’s First-Year Writing Program. I held a similar position at the American University of Beirut from 2011-2015. My PhD is in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Louisville, and before that I attended George Mason University (MFA – Creative Writing) and Saint Louis University (BA – English). At NDSU, I teach graduate and undergraduate courses in writing pedagogy, composition history, and rhetoric.
My research interests include histories of writing instruction worldwide; writing pedagogy and program administration; and multilingual and transnational literacy practices. I have been published in College Composition and Communication, College English, Composition Studies, JAC, Pedagogy,and Research in the Teaching of English, as well as in several book collections. I am a co-editor for an edited collection titled Emerging Writing Research from the Middle East-North Africa Region (WAC Clearinghouse, 2017). I received the CCCC Richard Braddock Award for the best article published in CCC in 2014. I am currently drafting a book based on my archival research in Beirut, titled An Imagined America: Writing Policies and Practices at the Syrian Protestant College, 1866-1920. While living in Beirut and since, I have studied Arabic both formally and informally. I am always looking for conversation partners, so if you live in Fargo and have a background in Arabic, please stop by!
To see my full CV, please visit: https://ndsu.academia.edu/LisaArnold
Recent Publications
- Emerging Writing Research from the Middle East-North Africa Region. Eds. Lisa Arnold, Anne Nebel, Lynne Ronesi. International Exchanges on the Study of Writing Series. Fort Collins, CO: The WAC Clearinghouse (online) & U P of Colorado (print), January 9, 2017. 12 chapters, 298 pp. Available online at: http://wac.colostate.edu/books/mena/
- After Words: A Reader for Academic Writing. Eds. Rantisi, Rima, Lisa Arnold, Nate George, Rima Hanna, Najla Jarkas, Jasmina Najjar, and Zane Sinno.Educart (Middle East) Publishing: Beirut, 2012.
Articles and Book Chapters
- “‘Today the Need Arises’ الیوم†قد†مسّت†الحاجة†: Arabic Student Writing at the Turn of the 20th Century.” Transnational Writing Education: Theory, History, Practice. Ed. Xiaoye You, Routledge (forthcoming 2018). 14 ms. pp.
- “Introduction.” Emerging Writing Research from the Middle East-North Africa Region. Eds. Lisa Arnold, Lynne Ronesi, and Anne Nebel, The WAC Clearinghouse (online) & U P of Colorado (print), January 9, 2017: 3-24. Available online at:
- “Literacy Narratives Across Borders: Beirut and Dearborn as 21st Century Transnational Spaces.” Emerging Writing Research from the Middle East-North Africa Region. Eds. Lisa Arnold, Lynne Ronesi, and Anne Nebel, The WAC Clearinghouse (online) & U P of Colorado (print), January 9, 2017: 219-240. Available online at:
- “Practicing What We Preach: Measured Reflection about Teaching Writing.” Accepted for publication in the Conference Proceedings for the Fourth International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (forthcoming) 15 ms. pp.
- “An Imagined America: Rhetoric and Identity at Syrian Protestant College.” College English 78.6 (2016): 578-601.
- “This is a Field that’s Open, Not Closed”: Multilingual and International Writing Faculty Respond to Composition Theory.” Composition Studies 44.1 (2016): 72-88.
- “Recognizing and Disrupting Immappancy in Scholarship and Pedagogy.” Pedagogy 15.2 (2015): 271-302.
- "‘The Worst Part of the Dead Past’: Language Attitudes and Pedagogies at Syrian Protestant College, 1866-1902.” College Composition and Communication 66.2 (2014): 276-300.
- “Forum on the Profession.” Special Issue on Contingent Faculty. College English 73.4 (2011): 409-427.
- “(Re)Working ‘Writing’ and the History of Composition.” Response Essay. JAC 29.1-2 (2009): 259-65.