Card Access and Building Security

For building keys and/or card access, please complete, print, sign, and return the appropriate form(s) to NDSU Facilities Management, Thorson Maintenance Center or fax to (701) 231-8008.

PDF download: NDSU Policy 707 - Access Control and Building Security

PDF download: Key Procedure

A. Glenn Hill Card Access

An automated system is used for instructor and teaching assistant access to A. Glenn Hill classrooms and labs. Instructors and teaching assistants must be listed with the Registrar on Campus Connection to maintain access. To add someone to the course list log into CourseLeaf CLSS to update the instructor for the course.  If the individual is not in the instructor list, please email The system will update daily and ensure that the right people have access to the right spaces.

Classrooms will be unlocked during class hours. Instructors teaching in lab spaces have double swipe unlock access to keep the room unlocked during class hours. To do this, present the card to the reader two times. The reader light should stay green and the door will stay unlocked. At this point, the doors can be propped open and will not alarm back to the Call Center. To lock the door at the end of class, present the card to the reader once. The reader light will turn red and the door will lock. To ensure safety, the instructor or TA must lock the room after the class has ended.

Students enrolled in the current term are allowed access to A Glenn Hill study spaces during weekday building hours and limited hours on weekends.

Faculty and staff that do not have a course in A. Glenn Hill, but still require access will need to fill out a PDF download: Card Access Request Form. Please note a column has been added for justification for the request. Access will be granted on a single semester basis only, meaning a new form will need to be filled out each time.

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