Ennius Stål, 1861 Ennius Stål, 1861: 199. Paramecocoris (Ennius): Stål, 1865: 112. Type Species: Sciocoris ater Dallas, 1851, by original designation. Tribal Placement: StDl (1876) included Ennius in his "Myrochea et genera quaedam affinia" group. Included Species:
Comments: Linnavuori (1982) provided a key to three of the species, and also discussed the fourth, E. longulus. Bergroth (1914) had considered E. monteironis to be a junior synonym of E. longulus, but Linnavuori (1982) indicated that he had examined a single female specimen of E. longulus from South Africa; he noted the following differences: "It [E. longulus] is larger than the monteironis specimens studied, the lateral margins of the pronotum are more curvate and narrowly lamellate (much more broadly lamellate in monteironis), and the sides of the venter are more coarsely punctate. Thus although a full comparison is precluded by lack of sufficient material, E. monteironis seems to be a valid species." Key to Species of Ennius (modified from Linnavuori, 1982)
David A. Rider