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Acledra bonariensis (Stål, 1859)




Pentatoma bonariensis Stål, 1859: 227.

Acledra bonariensis: Stål, 1867: 528.

Melpia integra Berg, 1878: 310-311. (syn. by Berg, 1891)

Hypatropis integra: Kirkaldy, 1909: 91.

Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay.

Type Information: Pentatoma bonariensis StDl, 1859: STS (%, &), Buenos Ayres, Montevideo, NHRS. Melpia integra Berg, 1878: HT %, Uruguay, la Banda Oriental, MLPA; no PTS.

Translation of Stål's 1859 original description

    Short oval, rather flat, dilute sordid yellowish, sparcely fuscoferrugineous-punctate; antennae fuscous toward apex; pectus with two strongly punctate, nigrofuscous, callouses behind anterior coxae; legs sparcely fuscous-punctate. Male, female Length 9, width 5 mm.

    Native to Buenos Aires, Montevideo.

    Wide oval, rather flat.  Head oval, slightly sinuate on each side before eyes, apex rounded, rather flat, margin slightly reflexed, dilute sordid yellowish, quite densely ferrugineous-punctate.  Antennae almost half as long as body, sordid yellowish, apical segment fuscescent, second and third equally long.  Rostrum reaches intermediate coxae, sordid white, apex fuscous.  Thorax more than twice as wide as long, sinuous anteriorly, angulate on each side behind middle, angles nearly right-angular, obtuse, not produced, truncate posteriorly, anterolateral margin somewhat dilated, very slightly rounded, sordid dilute yellowish, sparsely ferrugineous punctate.  Scutellum oblong triangular, slightly sinuate on each side behind middle, dilute sordid yellowish, sparcely ferrugineous-punctate, apex impunctate.  Hemelytra dilute sordid yellowish, sparcely ferrugineous-punctate, membrane sordid hyaline.  Beneath and legs dilute sordid flavescent, pectus and abdomen quite densely punctate, former with two strongly punctate callouses behind anterior coxae, black.  Legs sparcely fuscous-punctate.


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David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 01 May 2007

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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