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Schafer-Post Series: North Dakota Insects Publications:
(updated: 17 Sep 2008)

1960.  No. 1.  Butterflies of North Dakota.  L. Puckering and R. L. Post.  32. pp. (out of print - photocopy only).  $3.00.


1963.  No. 2.  Butterflies of Bottineau County.  W. Knudson and R. L. Post.  29 pp. (out of print - photocopy only). $3.00.


1963.  No. 3.  Insects - How to Collect, Mount, Preserve, Identify, and Display Them.  R. L. Post, G. L. Thomasson, A. W. Anderson, and E. S. Saugstad.  33 pp. (out of print - photocopy only) - $3.00.


1965.  No. 4.  How to Make an Insect Collection.  R. L. Post, G. L. Thomasson, A. W. Anderson, and E. S. Saugstad.  33 pp. (out of print - photocopy only) - $3.00.


1965.  No. 5.  North Dakota Water Beetles.  R. D. Gordon and R. L. Post.  53 pp. (out of print - photocopy only).  $5.00.


1966.  No. 6.  North Dakota Tubulifera (Thysanoptera).  G. L. Thomasson and R. L. Post.  58 pp.  $5.00.


1967.  No. 7.  Saprophagous Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) of North Dakota.  R. G. Helgesen and R. L. Post.  60 pp. (out of print - PDFa, PDFb).


1969.  No. 8.  Insect Collecting Manual.  How to Collect, Mount, Preserve, Identify and Display Insects.  R. L. Post, D. G. Aarhus, H. F. Perkins, and G. L. Thomasson.  37 pp. (out of print - photocopy only).  $4.00.


1974.  No. 9.  The Phalangida of North Dakota.  R. W. Katayama and R. L. Post.  40 pp.  $4.00.


1976.  No. 10.  Insects - How to Collect, Mount, Preserve, Identify and Display Them.  R. L. Post, D. G. Aarhus, P. K. Lago, H. F. Perkins, and G. L. Thomasson.  37 pp. (out of print - photocopy only).  $4.00.


1977.  No. 11.  Skippers (Hesperioidea) of North Dakota.  T. L. McCabe and R. L. Post.  70 pp.  $6.00.


1979.  No. 12.  The Phytophagous Scarabaeidae and Troginae of North Dakota.  P. K. Lago, R. L. Post, and C. Y. Oseto. 131 pp.  $10.00.


1981.  No. 13.  Ecological distribution of insects in two streams of the sandhills of North Dakota.  S. C. Harris, R. B. Carlson, and E. U. Balsbaugh.  112 pp.  $9.00.


1982.  No. 14.  North Dakota Terebrantia (Thysanoptera).  D. M. Huntsinger, R. L. Post, and E. U. Balsbaugh.  101 pp.  $8.00.


1983.  No. 15.  A taxonomic revision of the genus Phaedon north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).  E. U. Balsbaugh. 73 pp.  $6.00.


1984.  No. 16.  A taxonomic revision of the Nearctic species of Glyphonyx (Coleoptera: Elateridae) with notes on G. quadraticollis Champion.  James W. Smith and E. U. Balsbaugh.  85 pp.  $6.00.


1999.  No. 16a.  Occurrence of Onthophagus nuchicornis Linneaus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in North Dakota.  P. P. Tinerella and G. M. Fauske.  Entomological News 110(1):22-26. (reprint - no charge)


2000.  No. 17.  First record of Calleida (Calleida) purpurea (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Minnesota and a note of its occurrence on Pasque flower.  P. P. Tinerella.  Entomological News 111(3):193-195. (reprint - no charge)


2000.  No. 18.  Occurrence of the tiger beetle Cicindela cursitans (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in northwestern Minnesota.  P. P. Tinerella and D. A. Rider.  Entomological News 111(5):367-369. (reprint - no charge)


2001.  No. 19.  New records of five ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Minnesota.  P. P. Tinerella and D. A. Rider.  Entomological News 112(5):319-322. (reprint - no charge)


2003.  No. 20.  A list of the lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of North Dakota with new records from North Dakota and Minnesota.  G. M. Fauske, P.P. Tinerella, and D. A. Rider.  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 76(1):38-46. (reprint - no charge)


2003.  No. 21.  New records of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) for North Dakota.  P. P. Tinerella.  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 76(4):634-637. (reprint - no charge)


2005.  No. 22.  First records of the creeping water bug Ambrysus mormon Montandon (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) from North Dakota.  P. P. Tinerella and A. W. DeLorme.  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 78(2):176-178. (reprint - no charge)


2005.  No. 23.  The Corixidae (Insecta: Heteroptera) of Minnesota.  P. P. Tinerella and R. W. Gundersen. 119 pp.  $30.00 domestic; $32.00 international.  For more information on this excellent publication, see the following web site: http://corixoidea.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/mn_corixidae_announcement.htm



To Order:

Send requests to (checks made payable to North Dakota State University are preferred, but credit cards can be accepted):

Address:    Dr. David A. Rider
                Department of Entomology
                North Dakota State University
                Fargo, North Dakota 58105 USA

email:        david.rider@ndsu.edu

telephone:  (701) 231-7902



David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 17 Sep 2008 

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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