New Course and Course Revalidation Procedures

Who evaluates General Education courses?

The General Education Committee, a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, is charged with the responsibility to evaluate and recommend course approvals for the General Education program. Newly approved courses are then reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee.

Why are General Education courses evaluated?

New courses are first evaluated for initial approval for the General Education program, as part of creating a rich array of course options for students, but one that can offer students a cohesive learning experience in developing the foundational analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills that are essential to a general education as part of a four-year degree. Once a course is approved, the courses are periodically revalidated so the department or program can update the course activities and outcomes as needed, or to update a course to reflect changes to the university learning outcomes or system-level changes. NDSU is in the process of developing a program-level assessment approach that will help us determine how effectively our courses are helping students meet the learning outcomes in the content and skills areas for Gen Ed.

How often are General Education courses evaluated?

Courses that have been approved for the General Education program are revalidated on a five-year schedule. In late summer/early fall, departments will receive a list of courses that should be submitted for review by the General Education committee. New courses can also be proposed throughout the academic year, and new courses are encouraged to help keep the program up to date and ensure students have course choices in all of the categories.

Where do we submit course proposals for evaluation?

Departments submit course proposals through CourseLeaf. The proposal requires a syllabus that includes the GE category, learning outcomes, and the assessment/evaluation methods that will be used to determine if the outcomes are met. More preparatory information is available on the General Education main page.

When are proposals evaluated by the General Education Committee?

New course proposals and revalidation proposals can be submitted throughout the academic year.

Currently approved General Education Courses are listed HERE. Courses that also include D (Cultural Diversity) or G (Global Perspectives) categories are noted with superscripts of D or G.

Courses are assigned to the revalidation rotation schedule based on time since last evaluation and category. Departments can propose revalidation earlier if desired. This list is refreshed each summer.

Updated/Approved by University Curriculum Committee on September 4, 2019
Approved by Faculty Senate on September 9, 2019

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