GraSUS - II Project Overview:
GraSUS-II is a GK-12 project funded by the National Science Foundation. GK-12 (Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education)
programs provide support and funding to graduate students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
disciplines. NSF GK-12 programs provide opportunities for graduate students to gain expertise communicating science and
research to a broad range of audiences.
GK-12 Fellows bring innovative, leading edge ideas from their field into the classroom, sparking interest in science and
engineering among K-12 students and teachers. These projects provide the means to establish lasting and productive
partnerships between K-12 schools and universities.
In the GraSUS-II project, undergraduate and graduate students (Fellows) are placed in schools throughout the Fargo-Moorhead
area. They work with science or math teachers to develop and implement curricular projects that enhance the experiences of
classroom students.
NDSU-GraSUS-II is a five year grant (2004-2009) which is renewed annually.