Professional/Graduate Programs
The professional and graduate programs in North Dakota State University's College of Health and Human Sciences offer a solid research core, plus specialized training, that can help you reach the "next level."
Professional Program
The Pharmacy program (PharmD) encompasses both the basic and clinical sciences and is designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to the practice of pharmacy.
Master's Programs
We offer quality master's programs in some of the fastest growing career areas in the country.
- Master of Public Health (certificate also offered)
- Counseling
- Athletic Training (professional)
- Exercise/Nutrition Science
- Family Financial Planning (certificate also offered)
- Dietetics
- Gerontology (certificate also offered)
- Youth Development (certificate also offered)
Dual Degree Programs
Pharm.D. dual degree plans offered at North Dakota State University
Doctoral Programs
Our doctoral programs in both Health and Human Sciences are unique, cutting edge programs designed to train researchers and practitioners.
- Counselor Education and Supervision
- Developmental Science
- Exercise Science and Nutrition
- Gerontology (Dual Major)
- Nursing (DNP)
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
You can now apply online for any of our graduate programs at http://www.ndsu.edu/gradschool/apply. Whether on campus or from a distance, we look forward to helping you meet your goals and reach that "next level" for career advancement.