Accounting/College Forms
Request to Purchase: Purchase request for supplies (office supplies including software, research supplies); events (internal and/or external catering, event supplies, brochures); memberships and subscriptions; Print & Copy (brochures, business cards, paper, signs); Bookstore purchases; In-State travel (motorpool, registration/conference fee prior to travel); Out-of-State (airfare, registration/conference fee prior to travel). At the drop down menu, select how purchase will be made (Accounting Portfolio 3, Self, or Department P-Card).
Design & Sign Order Form: Form used for Design & Sign projects. Submit form to ndsu.designandsign@ndsu.edu or Memorial Union. Submit a copy of the form along with receipt after project has been completed via Request to Pay Invoice.
Travel Authorization – Out-of-State: Travel request prior to making travel arrangements (form required by the Accounting Office). An approved form is required for travel reimbursement (i.e. airfare, registration, lodging, per-diem, misc. travel expenses). A copy will be retained by the HHS Business Center once the form has been approved by all signees.
Travel-Purchase Reimbursement Request: Reimbursement request for travel and/or purchase made (i.e. office supplies, items for an event, airfare and/or registration prior to or after travel). This form includes the Travel Expense Reimbursement form required by the Accounting Office.
Travel-Purchase Reimbursement Request
Request to Pay Invoice: Request to pay an invoice received from a vendor/supplier; order form along with receipt of purchase from on-campus vendors (Print & Copy, Design & Sign, etc.); approved Contracted Service Agreement (do not include W-9).
Additional Pay Request: Form used to pay staff overload, faculty overload, special projects, IRI (interim responsibility increase), other pay, or summer salary.
Request to Hire (Hourly Staff): hiring new or existing hourly student or temp staff.
PTA Request: hiring new or existing part-time temporary lecturer position.
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