Chapter Constitution

Meetings and Events

Preamble to the Constitution

In order to promote the advancement of the electrical engineering profession, to foster a spirit of cooperation between electrical engineering faculty and students, to uphold the laws of the national organization of IEEE as set forth in its constitution and rules of North Dakota State University as recorded in the student handbook, we do ordain and establish this constitution for the Student Branch of IEEE at NDSU.

ARTICLE I: Names and Purpose

Section 1: This organization shall be known as the North Dakota State University Student Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Section 2: The purpose shall be the dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of all phases of electrical engineering and the other allied fields, as well as the furtherance of the professional development of the student.

Section 3: The organization and operation of the local chapter shall be in accordance with the Constitution and the Bylaws of IEEE.

ARTICLE II: Membership

Section 1: Full membership shall be limited to undergraduate and graduate students of North Dakota State University, who are taking at least 50% of a full-time academic program.

Section 2: Only students of North Dakota State University meeting IEEE qualifications may be members of the student branch of IEEE. No discrimination based on race, religion, political views, nationality, handicap, sex, etc. will be allowed, in accordance with North Dakota State University policy.


Section 1: The Executive Committee of the student branch shall have the power to levy special assessments upon endorsement by two-thirds vote of the membership of the student branch.

Section 2: Nonpayment of annual IEEE membership fees will automatically result in suspension of membership in the IEEE and in the student branch. Nonpayment of local dues will result in the loss of voting rights and the right to hold office, but will not result in suspension of membership in the IEEE.

Section 3: The student branch dues shall be $10 per academic year.

ARTICLE IV: Officers

Section 1: The Officers of the student branch shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, an Internet Officer, a Communications Officer, a SU JOLT editor, and a CSO/E&A Representative.

Section 2: Only Full Members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office.

Section 3: The term of office shall ordinarily be one year and shall begin on May 1st of each year.

Section 4: Elections of Officers for the following year shall be held not later than the second to last meeting of each year.

ARTICLE V: Executive Council

Section 1: The management of the affairs of the student branch shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee, consisting of the duly elected officers of the student branch and the Counselor appointed by the IEEE. The student branch President shall also chair the Executive Committee. Other committee chairs and appointed Officers shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the student branch and shall transact all business it deems advisable, including the filling of vacancies in offices, authorization of expenditures, etc.

Section 3: The faculty advisor shall have the power to veto any transaction of any body of the student branch.

ARTICLE VI: Duties of the Officers

Section 1: The student branch President shall preside at all meetings of the student branch, shall appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, and shall assume or delegate all other executive duties not otherwise delegated.

Section 2: The Vice-President shall perform all functions of the student branch President in the latter's absence or upon the request of the President.

Section 3: The student branch Secretary shall keep a record of activities of the student branch and shall record the number of members at each meeting or activity. The Secretary is responsible for filing the Annual Plan of Activities and the Annual Report of Activities with IEEE Student Services, in a timely manner. The Secretary shall carry on all other communications necessary to the activity of the student branch and ensure that all activities of the student branch are in accordance with this Constitution and the Bylaws of the IEEE. The student branch Secretary shall submit a list of the student branch officers and faculty advisor to the following: IEEE National Office, Student Activities Office (MU 360), and the E&A Council.

Section 4: The Treasurer shall receive all money and pay all debts of the student branch authorized by the Executive Committee, and shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall also complete the year-end Financial Statements of inclusion in the Annual Report of Activities, and shall prepare a budget for the Congress of Student Organizations, as well as being responsible for the IEEE copier.

Section 5: The Communications Officer shall be responsible for proper advertisement for each meeting and event. The Communications Officer shall be in charge of the IEE bulletin board.

Section 6: The Internet Officer shall be responsible for maintaining the branch's web page and any other Internet activities that may arise.

Section 7: The "SU JOLT" editor shall collect articles, assign persons to write articles, edit, and perform all other functions pertaining to the publication of the "SU JOLT."

Section 8: The E&A Representative shall attend all meetings of the CSO and E&A counsel.

ARTICLE VII: Standing Committees

Section 1: The following Standing Committees or their equivalent shall be appointed by the Chair: Program Committee, Publicity Committee, and Membership Committee.

Section 2: The Program Committee shall prepare the programs for all meetings and shall be responsible for all arrangements for these meetings. The student branch Vice-President shall normally chair the Program Committee.

Section 3: The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for proper advertisement of each meeting.

Section 4: The Membership Committee shall bring the advantages of membership in the student branch, and in the IEEE, to the attention of all potential student members.

Section 5: In additions to the above standing committees; the student branch President may appoint other committees deemed necessary.


Section 1: The student branch is empowered to adopt Bylaws, which are consistent with this Constitution.

Section 2: This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at two consecutive meetings.

Section 3: A copy of this Constitution shall and the Secretary, who shall keep the original copy on file, shall submit all subsequent amendments to the national office.

Section 4: This Constitution must be updated and renewed every three years, concurrent with officer elections of that year.


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