Conference - Multiplex Network Analysis of F. Covae Genomes - Yusuf Akbulut

Yusuf Akbulut presented the study titled "Multiplex Network Analysis of F. Covae Genomes" at INFORMS 2023 at Phoenix AZ

Multiplex Network Analysis of F. Covae Genomes

Harun Pirim1, Zaidur Rahman1, Yusuf Akbulut1, Hasan C. Tekedar2, Larry Hanson2, Matt Griffin2, 1North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, 2Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, Contact:

Multiplex network analysis (MNA) provides a framework to analyze multiple relationships of the same nodes represented as different layers. MNA can help better understand the resilience and robustness of complex systems such as protein interactions that can be defined based on different criteria. We are interested in eliciting diverse relationships between proteins including hypothetical ones. Hence, we focused on unique proteins (singletons) of four distinct genomes of F. covae downloaded from NCBI database. PANNZER annotation server is used to filter proteins with the highest annotation scores and PPV values higher than 0.5. Sequence, physicochemical features, and cellular localization information are used to construct three layers of the multiplex network for the retained 192 proteins. R multinet and muxViz libraries are used for the analysis and visualization.

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