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Start Here (Fall 2024)

The information below is subject to change prior to the beginning of the semester. Check back frequently!

Ensemble Auditions

Incoming & Returning
Some ensembles require an audition:

Choral Audition Signups
Wind Symphony Auditions
Jazz Auditions
Orchestra Audition Information


Applied Lessons (MUSC 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, & 172) may have a scheduled meeting time, often WeFr 2:00PM-2:50PM. This does not mean your lessons will be at that time.

Instead, your lesson schedule is in multiple parts:

  • Wednesdays from 2:00-2:50 are generally used as a studio class—a class meeting with your entire instrument/voice group. Attendance is expected.
  • Fridays from 2:00-2:50 are used as Convocation—a meeting of the entire Challey School of Music. Attendance is expected.
  • Your actual lesson time will be determined in consultation with your applied teacher.

Some studios may have a different studio class time—you will receive more information from your applied teacher.

Sheet Music

Students are expected to purchase scores and other materials necessary for applied music lessons.

Choral scores and Instrumental Ensemble parts are usually provided by the ensembles and should be returned after concerts are completed.

Additional for vocalists

Students are required to purchase their own vocal score for Handel’s Messiah that is published by Oxford Music.
Students participating in NDSU Opera should purchase their own vocal scores.

Liszt/ Access

Incoming Returning
NDSU uses Liszt to handle assorted things like recital attendance, instrument and locker checkouts, and so on. This year, students will be self-enrolling in Liszt.

If you have already enrolled with the GSMB, you will need to re-enroll here.

Here’s how you do that:

  1. Click relevant button
  2. Sign in with Microsoft
  3. Sign in with your NDUS credentials (Email)
  4. Enter your Student ID # if empty
  5. Done!

Vocalists Instrumentalists Pianists & Composers

Recital Attendance

Incoming Returning
Music students are expected to attend a number of live events throughout the semester. That exact number will be announced at a later date.

Available events can be viewed at the Performing Arts Calendar or at the attendance tracking system at


Instrument & Locker Checkout Information

Incoming & Returning

For Instruments & Storage Lockers

  1. If you haven’t already, self-enroll through Liszt/
  2. Fill out the Instrument/Locker Request Form.
  3. You will receive your locker checkout information through

For Student Lounge Lockers

  1. Claim an unclaimed locker in the student lounge (unclaimed lockers have a card on the front)
  2. Fill out the card on the locker and submit it to the box in the Music Office (Music Education 115)

Lessons/Studio Placement



All new students enrolled in applied voice lessons will sing at the voice studio class on the first Wednesday of the Fall semester in order to be assigned a studio teacher.

  • Students are expected to sing one song of their choice.
  • An accompanist will be provided.

Studio teacher assignments are based on the student’s vocal characteristics as well as logistical considerations such as studio space and scheduling.


You will be contacted by your studio or area professor.

Registering and Dropping Classes

Visit OneStop in the Memorial Union or visit their Campus Connection page.

Accompanist Fees

Incoming & Returning


All students enrolled in MUSC X67 Applied Voice Lessons are paired with collaborative pianists from our graduate program or from the community. This professional relationship develops musicianship and collaborative performance skills.

  • Fees and guidelines for collaborative pianists are outlined in a collaborative pianist contract distributed with the syllabus for MUSC X67.
  • The collaborative pianist attends all voice lessons and offers some rehearsal time outside of lessons as outlined in the pianist contract.
  • The pianist also makes themselves available for ancillary projects such as NATS auditions, vocal competitions, local gigs, and other auditions.


It is your responsibility to secure an accompanist if your assigned repertoire is with piano. Instrumental accompanying policies and procedures are available on the Current Students Page.

MUSC 189

Incoming students (except those who have taken a comparable class elsewhere) will be signed up for MUSC 189: Skills for Academic Success. This course meets Tuesdays at 11:00AM. As a once-weekly course, it’s easy to forget.

Theory/Ear Training Class Shuffling

As the semester begins, you will be registered for a Music Theory/Ear Training class pair. During the first week, you may be moved to a different class section to make sure that all theory/ear training classes are balanced. All sections of theory and ear training are at the same time, so this will not impact your schedule.

Library Resources

Incoming Returning
Information Forthcoming


Incoming Returning
Printing is avilable in computer labs with GoPrint stations (cluster printing), or from your personal devices on campus. For more information, see NDSU IT’s Printing page.

Practice room protocols

Incoming Returning

  • Practice rooms are primarily for the use of enrolled music majors. Others may apply in the music office (Room 115) for permission to use practice rooms, but must relinquish them if needed by an enrolled music major.
  • Practice rooms are available on a first come/first served basis.
  • No sign-ups are required for practice times, but students are encouraged to sign up for regular practice times. Sign-up cards are outside each practice room.
  • Piano majors will have access to practice rooms with grand pianos. Piano majors should obtain a key for the grand piano practice room from the Academic Assistant (Reineke 115). Keys are to be returned when the student is done being a piano student, if keys are lost or broken there will be a $25 dollar charge to replace.
  • Practice rooms are not to be used for teaching private students
  • Practice rooms are not to be locked. Do not leave your personal belongings in a practice room.

It is incumbent upon everyone to respect the practice rooms and the instruments and equipment therein. Please do not place personal items such as backpacks or books on the pianos. No food or drink is allowed in the practice rooms.

Concert Attire

Incoming & Returning

Large Ensemble Performances

It is possible that you will need to purchase concert attire depending on your ensemble membership. Additional information will come from your ensemble director.

Solo/Ensemble Performances

Students are expected to dress professionally for all performances. Examples include a suit and tie, tuxedo, formal dress, or a pantsuit. Students should discuss their performance attire with their studio teacher or ensemble director if this expectation creates any hardship.


Incoming Returning

Juries serve as the final exam for each semester of applied study. Constructive feedback regarding the student’s performance is given with the expectation that students continue to improve on both their strengths and weaknesses in the following semester’s study.

More information will come from your studio teacher.