Supervisor Training Requirements

The success or failure of an SCD depends largely upon its Board of Supervisors. Recognizing this, the ND SSCC and the NDSU Extension developed yearly training requirements to clarify the purposes and functions of an SCD and the duties of a supervisor.

N.D.C.C. Statute 4.1-20-19

“As soon as practicable after an individual is elected or appointed to the position of a soil conservation district supervisor, the individual shall attend a training session delivered by the state soil conservation committee, and the individual shall attend or participate in annual training as determined by the state soil conservation committee.”

Yearly Training Requirements: 

  • new supervisor (elected or appointed) must attend an initial training session (for example, Leadership Academy Trainingand participate in an annual training event determined by the SSCC.
  • current/returning elected supervisor is required to participate in at least one annual training event determined by the SSCC.
  • current/returning appointed supervisor is required to participate in at least one annual training event determined by the SSCC.

The District Manager shall keep track of all supervisor training and provide it to the SSCC no later than January 31 each year. Please use the DART Supervisor Training Report to submit your information.

Current Training Options:

  • Attend the Leadership Academy Training.
  • Attend the ND State Soil Conservation Association Annual Meeting.
  • Attend your Area (I, II, III, IV, or V) Soil Conservation District Annual Meeting.
  • Participate in a District/Area Conservation event or activity.
  • Attend and receive Pesticide Certification Training (once every three years).
  • Participate in an online webinar and/or listen to a podcast episode.
  • Complete four microlessons together as a board prior to, during, or after monthly meetings.

Your conservation district board is charged by state law with specific responsibilities that no other agency is charged with and gives your district the necessary authority to carry them out.

Various training resources (including links to vidoes, podcast episodes, etc.) can be found under SCD Training Resources here.

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