Validation Exams

Important: If from a state other than North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota or Montana, please contact Karla Haug  to ensure eligibility prior to exam registration. The School of Nursing is not able to accept students from California, Nevada, New York, or Maryland.

The NDSU School of Nursing (SON) recognizes that LPNs have a foundational knowledge base. The SON requires the validation exams as a way to evaluate previous learning and experience.

The NACE exams are required in the areas of: Foundations of Nursing, Nursing Care of Mental Health Client, Nursing Care of Children, Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family.

The exams are content focused and NCLEX books (RN or PN) are recommended for review of content to prepare for the exams. The NLN does offer a practice exams.

For additional information regarding the exams, please see the PDF download: NLN Information Bulletin

Exam Information

Validation Exam registration and administration of the exams occurs through the National League for Nursing (NLN).

To create an account on the NLN site with NDSU designated as the School membership: please follow this link.

The exams are computer-based and offered through a proctor service. A computer with a camera and microphone are required for testing.

Students can test whenever it is convenient.

Exams are good for 90 days from date of purchase. The NLN has a strict no refund policy.

Exams may be taken twice in a calendar year.

Student are responsible for the costs associated with completion of the exams.

The School of Nursing recommended score, at this time, is 60 on each exam.



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