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NDSU Nursing at Sanford Health

NDSU Nursing at Sanford Health is located on the Sanford Health Campus in the heart of downtown Bismarck, North Dakota. 

The Nursing Program course objectives, policies and procedures are identical between the Fargo and Bismarck sites. NDSU Nursing at Sanford Health has five simulation rooms, a skills lab, health assessment lab, a large library/study area, and a student lounge. 

NDSU Nursing at Sanford Health has smaller class sizes and more personal attention with approximately 40 students admitted each fall and spring semester.

Learn more about NDSU Nursing at Sanford Health. Visit Degrees & Programs to find out how you can prepare for your high impact, high reward career in nursing.


BACKES, Alyssa, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 163, Alyssa.Backes@ndsu.edu
BENNING, Kerri,  Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 149, Kerri.Benning@ndsu.edu    
BERGER, Sara, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 135, Sara.Berger@ndsu.edu


FETTIG, Ashlee, Assistant Professor of Practice/Simulation Manager, (701) 224-3800, Ashlee.Senger@ndsu.edu 



HALL, Susan, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 147, Susan.Hall@ndsu.edu  
HATZENBUHLER, Nicole, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 155, Nicole.Hatzenbuhler@ndsu.edu  
HEUPEL, Tammy, Academic Advisor, (701) 224-3804, 130B, Tammy.Heupel@ndsu.edu 


JOHNSON, Jill, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 157, Jill.Johnson.2@ndsu.edu 
JOHNSON, Pat, Academic Assistant, (701) 224-3800, 131, Patricia.Johnson@ndsu.edu  


KELLER, Annie, Student Services Specialist, (701) 224-3802, 130A, Annie.Hessinger.2@ndsu.edu 
KELLER, Hollie, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, Library 4, Hollie.Wilz@ndsu.edu  
KELLER, Stephanie, Lecturer, (701) 224-3800, 169, Stephanie.R.Keller@ndsu.edu 
KUNKEL, Charys, Director/Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3803, 131A,Charys.Kunkel@ndsu.edu  


NELSON, Sharon, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 151, Sharon.Nelson2@ndsu.edu  


OBRITSCH, Christie, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, Library 2, Christie.Obritsch@ndsu.edu  


PELTIER, Allison, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, Library 4, Allison.Peltier@ndsu.edu  


SADOWSKY, Allison, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 145, Allison.M.Sadowsky@ndsu.edu  
SCHULTZ, Samantha, Part-time Academic, (701) 224-3800, Samantha.Vancleve@ndsu.edu 


UNTERSEHER, Lindsey, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 153, Lindsey.Unterseher@ndsu.edu 


WEIGEL, Joanie, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 224-3800, 100, Joanie.Weigel@ndsu.edu 

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