NDSU Nursing Fargo

Dedicated and experienced faculty in the NDSU School of Nursing help you reach your nursing career goals. Course objectives, policies and procedures are identical between the Fargo and Bismarck sites in this high quality accredited program. 

Visit Degrees & Programs to find out how you can prepare for your high impact, high reward career in nursing.



ALLMARAS, Dawn, Administrative Coordinator-Academic, (701) 231-7208, ALDT 540Z/Sudro 123H, Dawn.Allmaras@ndsu.edu   


BARNACLE, Mykell, Associate Professor of Practice, (701) 231-7730, ALDT 148F Mykell.Barnacle@ndsu.edu
BLASEY, Anna, Lecturer, ALDT 540H, Anna.Benke@ndsu.edu
BRASS, Doreen, Lecturer - Simulation Educator, (701) 231-7659, ALDT 540J Doreen.Brass@ndsu.edu
BRUNSVOLD, Abigail, Assistant Professor of Practice, ALDT 540D,  Abigail.Brunsvold@ndsu.edu
BUETTNER-SCHMIDT, Kelly, Professor Emeritus, ALDT 148 Kelly.buettnerschmi@ndsu.edu


ERICKSON, Stephanie, Assistant Professor of Practice, ALDT 540M, Stephanie.Erickson.3@ndsu.edu 


GORES, Gail, Lecturer - Simulation Educator, ALDT 540L, Gail.Gores@ndsu.edu  
GROSS, Carla, Associate Dean of Nursing, Chair of Nursing (Fargo), (701) 231-7772, ALDT 540T, Carla.Gross@ndsu.edu 
GROSS, Dean, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 231-8355, ALDT 148K, Dean.Gross@ndsu.edu


HAGEN, Jane, Administrative Coordinator-Academic, (701) 231-4155, ALDT 540Z, Jane.Hagen@ndsu.edu
HANNESTAD, Kari, Administrative Coordinator-Academic, (701) 231-5692, ALDT 540Z, Karen.Hannestad@ndsu.edu 
HARRIGER, Shannon, Assistant Professor of Practice, ALDT 540B, Shannon.Harriger@ndsu.edu 
HAUG, Karla, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 231-5128, ALDT 540S, Karla.Haug@ndsu.edu
HEUER, Loretta, Professor, (701) 231-8205, ALDT 148B, Loretta.Heuer@ndsu.edu


KETTERLING, Julie, Assistant Professor of Practice, ALDT 540R, Julie.M.Hageman@ndsu.edu 
KISER-LARSON, Norma, Professor Emeritus, Norma.Kiser-Larson@ndsu.edu 
KVANVIG-BOHNSACK, Danielle, Project Manager, (701) 231-7610, ALDT 540C, Dani.Bohnsack@ndsu.edu 


LUNDEEN, Tina, Emeritus Assistant Professor of Practice


MCDANIEL, Becky, Assistant Professor of Practice, ALDT 540I, Becky.Mcdaniel@ndsu.edu   
MOONEY, Mary Margaret, Professor Emeritus, Mary.Mooney@ndsu.edu  


NELSON, Carrie, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 231-7747, ALDT 148J,  Carrie.Nelson@ndsu.edu


PANKOW WIEBER, Emily, Assistant Professor of Practice, ALDT 540E, Emily.Wieber@ndsu.edu


SAARINEN, Heidi, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 231-7604, ALDT 148G, Heidi.Saarinen@ndsu.edu  
SCHAEFFER, Kolby, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 231-8002, ALDT 540O, Kolby.Schaeffer.1@ndsu.edu  
SCHMITZ, Kaitlin, Assistant Professor of Practice, Public Health, ALDT 540F, Kaitlin.schmitz@ndsu.edu
STROM, Trish, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 231-7604, ALDT 540G, Trish.Strom@ndsu.edu  
SWANSON, Kathleen, Assistant Professor of Practice, ALDT 540U, Kathleen.B.Swanson@ndsu.edu  


THOMPSON, Shila, Assistant Professor of Practice, (701) 231-7924, ALDT 540Q, Shila.Thompson@ndsu.edu 
TURRUBIATES, Nancy, Assistant Professor of Practice, ALDT 540K, Nancy.Turrubiates@ndsu.edu 


WOLF, Karlie, Lecturer, ALDT 540N, Karlie.Wolf@ndsu.edu 

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