
The latest news, announcements, and happenings from all OTL programs.

April Innovation in Teaching Award Recipients Announced

Who received the award this month?

NDSU’s Office of Teaching and Learning offers a monthly Innovation in Teaching Award to recognize instructors for efforts to improve teaching and learning on campus.

Award recipients for April were:

  • Susmita Trisha, Department of English
  • Sathish Venkatachalem, School of Pharmacy
  • Sangita Sinha, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Katie Wissman, Department of Psychology
  • Jainab Banu, Department of English
  • Amy Gore, Department of English
  • Adam Goldwyn, Department of English

The award recipients received special recognition from the President's office. All recipients of this year’s Innovation in Teaching Award will be placed in a drawing for a $100 gift card to be given away at our annual Teaching and Learning Conference.

Nominate an instructor for the May Innovation in Teaching award.

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