Summer Parking

All NDSU parking regulations remain in effect and will be enforced through the summer. Please be sure to review the NDSU Parking Regulations before parking on-campus. All NDSU pay lots are enforced as normal during the summer and still require payment.

If you have a valid 2023-24 NDSU permit, your current permit is valid in all the student lots from May 11, 2024 through August 15, 2024. You will not need an additional summer permit. Park & Ride permits are still only valid in Fargo Dome lots C, D and E through the summer. Student lots are noted in yellow on the PDF download: NDSU Parking Map.

If you do not currently possess a valid NDSU parking permit, you can purchase a summer parking permit, valid in all the student lots, according to the PDF download: NDSU Parking Map. Summer permits are on-sale now and are valid through August 15, 2024.

Summer permits: $25.00

Online Ordering Instructions

  1. Make sure you allow for all PDF download: cookies and pop ups.
  2. Visit the NDSU Parking Portal.
  3. Create a new account (If you already have an active account, please select LOGIN & proceed to step 6)
  4. Select NDSU Contractor or NDSU Vendor as your classification
  5. Click Create Account
  6. Log into your account
  7. Click on Get Permits and proceed with the transaction
  8. Please be sure to enter a valid address, for your permit will be mailed to the address provided
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