Mark A. Strand, PhD, MS, CPH
Pharmacy Practice and NDSU Department of Public Health
118K Sudro Hall
Available on:
Doctor of Philosophy, Health and Behavioral Science, 2004
University of Colorado at Denver
Master of Science, Cell and Developmental Biology, 1991
University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Arts, Biology, 1985
Luther College
Senior Scientist, NDSU Center for Collaboration and Advancement in Pharmacy
Faculty member in Pharmacy Practice
Faculty member and student advisor in Master of Public Health Program
Advisor for the NDSU Public Health Association
Member of the North Dakota Health Council
Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Public Health (2020-)
Areas of Expertise
- Primary prevention of opioid use disorders
- Chronic disease epidemiology
- Global health, in particular China
- Personal and professional development coaching, for example goal-setting, use of personal web page, LinkedIn, Research Gate, and X (formally Twitter)
- Population health impact measurement of health interventions. For example, using the RE-AIM tool to measure the impact of health interventions, public health and clinical medicine collaboration
- Prevention and Management of chronic disease at the population level
- Public health in pharmacy, specifically measuring public health service delivery in pharmacy
- Research design and research team-building
Memberships and Associations
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
American Public Health Association (Elected Section Councilor, International Health Section, 2014-2020)
North Dakota Public Health Association
American Scientific Affiliation
Reviewer for multiple journals, including: Maternal and Child Health Journal, American Journal of Public Health,BioMed Central Public Health, and Journal of American Pharmacists Association
Current Research
- Pharmacist Engagement in the Community to Target Opioid Abuse Prevention. (North Dakota Department of Human Services funding)
- Pharmacist’s Delivery of Public Health Services Survey (NABP District V grant funded 2015-16)
- Pathway to Health: A Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Diabetes (International Diabetes Federation, 2012-14)
- Public health knowledge and attitudes among pharmacy students and pharmacists
Teaching Responsibilities
PH 700: Preventing and Managing Chronic Illness
PH 705: Global Health
PH 706: Essentials in Epidemiology
PHRM 353: Introduction to Pharmacy and the Health Care System
PHRM 540/640: Public Health for Pharmacists
- NDSU Blue Key Society Distinguished Educator Award, October, 2024
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Substance Use Disorders Research Fellowship from NIDA and NIH, 2024-25
- 2024 American Pharmacists Association Honorary Membership Award, Awarded by Michael Hogue, APhA CEO, March 22-25, 2024, Orlando, FL.
- The North Dakota Recovery Reinvented Trail Blazer Award, 2023.
- Recipient of the North Dakota Public Health Association “Public Health Team of the Year” award, along with the NDSU Department of Public Health. Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health, June 8, 2022.
- Recipient of the 2020 Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy journal’s 2020 Best Paper Award for the paper, "Program evaluation of the Opioid Naloxone Education (ONE Rx) program using the RE-AIM model."
- Awarded the status of Fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation, July, 2020
- Recipient of the North Dakota State University “Excellence in Mentoring Award for the 2019-20 Academic Year.”
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Public Health SIG 2019 Publication Award for the paper “Moving Opioid Misuse Prevention Upstream: A pilot study of community pharmacists screening for opioid misuse risk.”
- American Public Health Association International Health Section Mid-Career Award, 2018
- NDSU College of Health Profession’s Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, 2016
- North Dakota Rural Health Educator/Mentor of the Year, 2014
Recent Publications
Strand MA. The Role of Pharmacy in Promoting Public Health: Pharmacy and Public Health in 2050.Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, Future of Pharmacy call for papers, accepted October 2024.
Strand MA, Hursman A, Maack B, Petry N, and Yang R. A Faculty Development Series on Race and Ethnicity in Pharmacy Education. Accepted to Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, special issue on Multicultural Pharmacy Education, September 2024.
Skoy E, Linger R, Eukel H, Bisset S, Frenzel O, Steig J, Strand M, Werremeyer A.Implementation of a North Dakota Opioid Misuse and Overdose Prevention Program in West Virginia. Accepted to JAPhA June 2024.
Pan SW, Wachholtz A, Strand MA, Wang WQ, et al. Supernatural beliefs intervention to improve type-2 diabetes self-management: a pilot randomized controlled trial from China. Journal of Religion and Health May 2024.
Strand MA and Frenzel O. Revisiting the Opioid and Naloxone Education (ONE) Program: Program Evaluation Using the RE-AIM Model Four Years Later. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, accepted April, 2024.
Hodges, A, Skarphol A, and Strand MA. A Call to Develop Opioid Risk Assessment Programs for Implementation in the Pharmacy Setting. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 2024;64(2):350-354.
Hohman A, Strand MA, Sidhu SK, Jansen R, and McDonough S. The Association of North Dakota Skilled Nursing Facility Characteristics With COVID-19 Outbreak Severity. Accepted with minor revisions to The Journal of Long-Term Care. 2023,pp. 110–119. DOI: https://doi. org/10.31389/jltc.181
Eukel H, Steig J, Hodges, A, O’Gary B, Strand M. Nurse Delivered Medication Safety Screening Program for Home Care Visits. Public Health Nursing. 2023; 40(3): 410-416.
Sidhu SK, Hohman A, Strand MA, Shyllon O, Jansen R, McDonough S. A. Managing Severity of COVID-19 Using Model Based Predictors: The Case of North Dakota. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2023 Jun 15:17:e481. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2023.95
Strand MA, Sidhu SK, Hohman A, Jansen R, McDonough S. A. Qualitative Analysis of a Roundtable Exercise “Reflecting on the COVID-19 Experience of Public Health Professionals” Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2023 Jul-Aug;29(4):E128-E136. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001703
Frenzel O, Strand MA, Welsh A, Eukel H, Skoy, E, Steig J, and Werremeyer A. A Longitudinal Comparison of Pharmacy Documentation Platforms Using the Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of Pharmacy Technology, September 2022;0(0).doi:10.1177/87551225221128207
Strand MA, Eukel HN, Frenzel O, Skoy E, Steig J, and Werremeyer A. Opioid Risk Stratification in the Community Pharmacy: The Utility of the Opioid Risk Tool. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2022 Dec;18(12):4065-4071.
Strand MA, Omobosinuola S, Hohman A, Jansen R, Sidhu S. and McDonough S. Evaluating the Association of Face Covering Mandates on COVID-19 Severity by State. Journal of Primary Care and CommunityHealth, 2022;13:1-8. Open Access.
Skoy E, Frenzel O, Lothspeich E, Eukel H, Steig J, Strand M, Werremeyer A. A Longitudinal Evaluation of Patient Risks and Targeted Interventions from an Opioid Misuse and Accidental Overdose Patient Screening within Community Pharmacies. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2022;19:220028. DOI:
Werremeyer A, Frenzel O, Strand MA, Eukel H, Skoy E, Steig J. Improving Community-pharmacist Delivered Care for Patients with Psychiatric Disorders and Fill an Opioid Prescription. Psychiatric Services, 2022 Nov 1;73(11):1294-1297.
Werremeyer A, Strand M, Eukel H, Skoy E, Steig J, Frenzel O. Longitudinal evaluation of pharmacists’ social distance preference and attitudes towards patients with opioid misuse following an educational training program. Substance Abuse, 2022;43(1):1051-1056.
Frenzel O, Eukel H, Lothspeich E, Skoy E, Steig J, Strand MA, Werremeyer A. Opioid Risk Screening: Program Evaluation from the Community Pharmacists’ Perspective. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 2022 May-Jun;62(3):859-863.
Cernusca D, Strand MA, and Petry N. Exploratory Steps to Stimulate a Deep Learning Micro-Culture. Introducing Concept Mapping Strategies into a Pharmacy Curriculum. 2020 AECT Virtual International Convention,43rd Annual AECT Proceedings, 2020;1:69-77. Available online:
Frenzel O, Eukel H, Lothspeich E, Skoy E, Steig J, Strand MA, Werremeyer A. Opioid Risk Screening: Program Evaluation from the Community Pharmacists’ Perspective. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, accepted December 2021.
Perkins M, Slevin A, Strand MA, Freisner D.Screening for Hepatitis C in Persons Who Inject Drugs: A Public Health Crisis Calling for Improvement. Accepted to Preventing Chronic Disease, March, 2021.
Werremeyer A, Mosher S, Eukel H, Skoy E, Steig J, Frenzel O, Strand MA. Pharmacists’ Stigma Toward Patients Engaged in Opioid Misuse: When ‘Social Distance’ Does Not Mean Disease Prevention. Substance Abuse, 2021, 42(4):919-926.
Strand, MA. Communicating Science to the Public During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 2021;73(1):33-45.
Frenzel O, Eukel H, Skoy E, Werremeyer A, Steig J. and Strand MA. Examining Attitudes and Behaviors that Inhibit Pharmacist Implementation of a Statewide Opioid Harm Reduction Program. Accepted in INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy, September 2020.
Strand MA, DiPietro Mager N, Hall L, Martin S, Sarpong D. Public Health and Pharmacy Collection: Pharmacy Contributions to Improved Population Health: Expanding the Public Health Roundtable. Submitted to Preventing Chronic Disease journal Guest Editorial, 2020;17:200350.
Strand MA, Bratberg J, Eukel H, Hardy M, Williams C. Community Pharmacists’ Contributions to Disease Management During COVID-19. Accepted to Preventing Chronic Disease journal, Pharmacy and Public Health special collection, July 6, 2020.
Cernusca D and Strand MA. Encourage and Scaffold Complex Mental Models of Pharmacists’ Roles in Public Health through Concept Mapping. AJPE; 2020, 84(6):789.
Skoy L. Steig J, Werremeyer A, Eukel H, Frenzel O, and Strand MA. Patient Acceptance of Naloxone Resulting from Targeted Intervention from Community Pharmacists to Prevent Opioid Misuse and Accidental Overdose. Accepted with revisions to Substance Abuse, June 11, 2020.
Eukel H, Steig J, Frenzel O, Skoy E, Werremeyer A, Strand M. Opioid Misuse and Overdose: Changes in Pharmacist Practices and Outcomes. Journal of Continuing Education in Health Professions. Revised, May 2020.
Lunsford J, Brunt A, Foote J, Rhee Y, Strand M, and Segall M. Analysis of availability, quality, and price of food options in Denver, CO grocery stores, Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 2020; DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2020.1741482
Strand MA, Eukel H, Frenzel O, Skoy E, Steig J, and Werremeyer A. Program Evaluation of the Opioid and Naloxone Education (ONE Rx) Program Using the RE-AIM Model. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. Accepted Nov 30, 2019.
Skoy L, Eukel H, Werremeyer A, Strand MA, Frenzel O, and Steig J. Implementation of a statewide program within community pharmacies to prevent opioid misuse and accidental overdose. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 2020;60:117-121.
Strand MA, He MZ, Johnson R, Perry J and Yin ZN. Process evaluation of a community-based diabetes prevention project in China: The Pathway to Health (PATH) project. Accepted in Health Education Research, July 4, 2019.
Strand MA and Eukel H. A primary prevention approach to the opioid epidemic. American Journal of Public Health, 2019;109(6):861-863.
Cernusca D and Strand M. Preparing Pharmacist Students for Diversity of Public Health Services. Perceived Impact of an Active Learning Case-Based Strategy. Proceedings of the 2018 AECT International Convention, 2019; 1:24-29.
Eukel H, Skoy E, Werremeyer A, Burck S, and Strand MA. Changes in pharmacist perception following a training in opioid misuse and accidental overdose prevention. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 2019,39(1):7-12.
Strand MA, Eukel H, Burck S. Moving opioid misuse prevention upstream: A pilot study of community pharmacists screening for opioid misuse risk. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2019;15:1032-1036.
Khan, RK and Strand MA. Road Dust and Its Effect on Human Health: A literature review. Epidemiology and Health. Published online April 10, 2018. doi:10.4178/epih.e2018013
Yin ZN, Perry J, Duan XQ, He MZ, Johnson R, Feng YL, and Strand MA. Cultural adaptation of an evidence-based lifestyle intervention for diabetes prevention for Chinese women at risk for diabetes: Results of a randomized trial. Accepted to International Health December 21, 2017. In press.
Slusher TM, Zamora TG, Appiah D, Stanke J, Strand MA, Lee B, Richardson S, Keating E, Siddappa A, and Olusanya BO. The burden of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Pediatrics Open 2017;1:e000105. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000105
Strand MA, Davidson K, Schulze N. Linking pharmacists to the delivery of public health services. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 2017;57:742-746.
Creo AL, Thacher, TD, Pettifor, JM, Strand, MA, and Fischer, PR. Nutritional rickets around the world: An update. Paediatrics and International Child Health, 2017;37(2):84-98.
Strand MA, Scott D, Undem T, Anderson, G, Clarens, A, and Liu XY. Pharmacist Contributions to the Ten Essential Services of Public Health in Three NABP Pharmacy Regions. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 2017;57:395-401.
Strand MA, Gramith K, Royston M, Wang XX, Perry J, and Elliott C. A Community-based Cross-sectional Survey of Medication Utilization among Chronic Disease Patients in China. Accepted in International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, November 29, 2016.
Strand MA, Liu SF, Wang P, Perry J, and Gu XX. Metabolic syndrome as a predictor of incident chronic disease in middle aged Chinese persons. Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion, 2016;17(3):88-102.
Scott D, Strand MA, Undem T, Anderson, G, Clarens, A, and Liu XY. Assessment of Pharmacists’ Delivery of Public Health Services in Rural and Urban Areas in Iowa and North Dakota. Pharmacy Practice, 2016,14(4):836-846.
Strand MA, Gramith K, Royston M, Wang XX, Perry J, and Elliott C. A Community-based Cross-sectional Survey of Medication Utilization among Chronic Disease Patients in China. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, October, 2016.
Covvey JR, Conry JM, Bullock KC, DiPietro Mager NA. Goad J, Golchin N, Patel RV, Strand MA, Truong HA, Abrons JP, Vinh Venci DP, Patterson-Browning B. Public health and the CAPE 2013 educational outcomes: Inclusion, pedagogical considerations and assessment. 55 p. Located at: AACP Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education, Alexandria, VA;, August 2016.
Barnacle M, Strand MA, Werremeyer A, Maack B, and Petry N. Depression screening in diabetes care to improve outcomes: Are we meeting the challenge? The Diabetes Educator, 2016;42(5):646-51.
Strand MA, Abrons JP, Bullock KC, Conry JM, Covvey JR, DiPietro Mager NA, Goad JA, Golchin N, Patel RV, and Truong HA. Challenges and opportunities for integrating public health into pharmacy curricula. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2016;80(5):113.
Strand MA, Witt J,Nagel K, Dillman T, and Iszler R. Utilizing PHUND$ and Cost-benefit Analysis to Evaluate Financial Efficiency at the Local Public Health Unit. Center for Sharing Public Health Services, on-line journal, November 2015.
Werremeyer A, Maack B, Strand MA, Barnacle M, and Petry N. Disease control among patients with diabetes and severe depressive symptoms. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 2016; 7(2):130-134.
Dr. Mark Strand, randomized controlled trial called Pathway to Health (PATH), demonstrating the ability to reduce diabetes risk factors in pre-diabetic Chinese women through behavioral modification. This work has been featured in the International Diabetes Federation World Report 2015, which is available for download at this link:
Willborn RJ, Barnacle M, Maack B, Werremeyer A, and Strand MA. Utilization of the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire for depression assessment in type-2 diabetic primary care patients. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, accepted October 2015.
Strand MA, Yin ZN, He MZ and Perry J. Pathway to Health (PATH): A Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Diabetes in High-risk Chinese Women. World Guide to IDF BRIDGES 2015 Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation, 2015.
Willborn R, Werremeyer A, Petry N, Barnacle M, Maack B, and Strand MA. A cross-sectional cohort study comparing health outcomes among type 2 diabetes patients with contrasting depression severity. NTIS #TR-06-2015. Western States Medical Monographs Series, 2015.
Strand MA, Tellers J, Patterson A, Ross A, and Palombi L. The achievement of public health services in pharmacy practice: A literature review. Accepted to Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy May 27, 2015.
Strand, MA, Miller, D and Focken, R. Assessing public health knowledge of pharmacy students before and after completion of didactic and experiential public health coursework. Submitted to Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning March 2015.
Strand MA, GoodmanLM, Chen A and Richardson JW.Mental health of cross-cultural healthcare missionaries. Submitted to Journal of Psychology and Theology. Winter 2015.
Strand MA, Huseth-Zosel A, He MZ and Perry J. Development of metabolic syndrome among middle-aged Chinese adults: Roles of gender and menopause. Accepted by Family Medicine and Community Health 2015;3(1):15-22.
Strand, M.A., Perry, JL, Wang, P, Liu, SF, and Lynn, Henry. Risk factors for metabolic syndrome in a cohort study in a north China urban middle-aged population. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2015;27(2):N255-NP265.
Strand MA, Will T, Gu XX, and Perry J. A descriptive study of the progression of the metabolic syndrome in middle aged Chinese persons. The International Quarterly of Community Health Education. 2015; 35(2):165-178.
Huseth-Zosel A, Strand MA and Perry J. Socioeconomic differences in the menopausal experience of Chinese women. Accepted to Post Reproductive Health on June 13, 2014.
Strand, MA and Cole, AM. Framing the role of the faith community in global health. The Christian Journal for Global Health. Accepted for publication June 11, 2014.
Strand, MA and Warne D, The Diabetes, Depression, and Alcohol Triad: Potential Impact on Community Development, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 5(1), 32-46, January - March 2014
Strand, MA and Miller, D. A pathway forward for pharmacy and public health." Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2014; 54(2):e220-e224. doi:10.1331/JAPhA.2014.13145
Strand, MA and Fischer, PR. An appraisal of China’s progress toward the Millennium Development Goals as they relate to children. Paediatrics and International Child Health. 2014;34(3):156-164.
Strand, M. A. and Mertens A. Patient-centered redesign of clinical care for diabetes patients in rural clinics. Western States Medical Monographs Series, 2013; NTIS # PB2014-100571.
Strand, M.A. and Brad Strand. The coach as a leader: Professionalism in interactions with athletes. The Journal of Youth Sports. 2014; 7(2): 3-8.
Liu, S, Strand, M.A., Perry, J. and Wang, P. “Pregnancy, nutrition, birth weight and the development of metabolic syndrome.” China Journal of Health Management. 2013; 7(3):1-4.
Strand, M.A. “Responding to the call to prevent and control non-communicable diseases globally.” Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy. 2012; 1(1):74-76.
Strand, M.A., Perry, JL, Wang, P. (2012). “The epidemiology and health outcomes of alcohol
consumption among urban Chinese.” Journal of World Health and Populations. (In press, July 2012)
Strand, M.A., Perry, JL, Wang, P, Liu, SF, and Lynn, Henry. (2012). “The epidemiology of metabolic syndrome in an urban north China population age 44-52.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Online First, March 16, 2012. (In print due out in 2014)
Strand, MA, Duan, XQ, Johnson, R, Li, YQ. “Social determinants of delayed diagnosis of tuberculosis in a North China urban setting.” International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 2011; 31(3):279-289.
Strand, M.A., Perry, JL, Wang, P, Liu, SF. “Prenatal and early childhood exposure to malnutrition and the development of Metabolic Syndrome.” Chinese Preventive Medicine 2010; 11(9):894-897.
Strand, M.A., Perry, J., Guo, J.Z., Zhao, J.P., Janes, C. (2009) “Doing the month: Rickets and post-partum convalescence in rural China.” Midwifery 25(5): 588-596.
Strand, M. A., Perry, J., Zhao, J.P., Fischer, P.R., Yang, J.P. and Li, S.H. (2009) “Severe Vitamin D-deficiency and the Health of North China Children.” Maternal and Child Health Journal. 13(1):144-150.
Strand, MA, Wang, XB, Duan, XQ, Lee, K, Wang, A, Li, YQ, Ni JX, Cheng GM. (2007) “Presence and awareness of infectious disease among Chinese migrant workers.” International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 2007; 26(4):379-39.
Strand, MA, Wang, XB, Duan, XQ, Lee, K, Wang, A, Li, YQ, Ni JX, Cheng GM. (2007) “Presence and awareness of infectious disease among Chinese migrant workers.” International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 2007; 26(4):379-395.
Strand, M.A., Perry, J., Jin, M.M., Tracer, D.P., Fischer, P.R., et al. (2007) “Diagnosis of Rickets and Reassessing its Prevalence Among Rural Children in Northern China” Pediatrics International 49(2):202-209
Fischer PR, Thacher TD, Strand, M. A., Kirmani S, Tebben PJ. “Pediatric Bone Disease: A Decade of Discovery.” Minnesota Medicine April 2007, pp 36-37.
Thacher, T.D., Fischer, P.R., Strand, M.A., and Pettifor, J.M.. (2006) “Nutritional rickets around the world: causes and future directions.” Annals of Tropical Paediatrics 26(1):1-16.