Message from President Cook 8/15/22

Message from President Cook

August 15, 2022


I’m writing to provide an update on some of my earlier observations as President, as well as provide an outline of some key strategic areas I plan to focus on this upcoming semester.

Over the past few months, I’ve enjoyed meeting faculty, staff, students, and prospective students on campus. Some of the highlights include welcoming new students and their families on campus for orientations; meeting with our community wellness committee to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing our student body; hosting 350+ staff in my yard for a staff appreciation picnic; meeting our athletic coaches and hearing outlooks on their upcoming seasons; having several meetings with our deans to discuss future opportunities across our academic enterprise, and hosting our former student body presidents for dinner at the President’s residence last week- the first official time I’ve hosted anyone at the home. 

This summer, I’ve also spent a tremendous amount of time meeting with key stakeholders across the state to listen and learn about what the state’s 1862 Land Grant institution can and should do to advance the prosperity of North Dakota. Highlights include two weeks of Field Days that covered pretty much every corner of the state; multiple meetings with legislators in their home communities to discuss the upcoming biennium session; gatherings with alumni and friends of NDSU; several state board meetings with my fellow system presidents discussing opportunities for collaboration as well as shared challenges; numerous meetings with business leaders discussing workforce and economic development of their industries, all capped off by a trip last week with my wife and son to Minot to enjoy and participate in the North Dakota State Fair.

My impressions over the past few months are similar to those that my wife and I had during the interview process- NDSU is a remarkable institution, with dedicated students, staff, faculty, and alumni who are passionate Bison supporters.  I remain humbled and honored to lead a university with such a storied past, and one that plays such an instrumental and important role in serving all of North Dakota. 

As the Fall Semester is approaching, I will continue to listen and learn from the university community to help craft NDSU’s vision for the next 5-10 years and beyond.  This effort includes plans to meet with every unit on campus this Fall; forming a Leadership Assembly to engage diverse groups across campus for ongoing feedback and dialogue; meetings with student, staff, and faculty governance to ensure internal stakeholder groups have a voice in shaping our future; all while continuing to provide routine videos sharing my weekly observations.  I also encourage everyone to Share Your Ideas on my website- I’ve received great feedback on a variety of topics through this mechanism, and look forward to continuing to hear your ideas.

From the work I’ve done, and the work I plan to do this Fall, it’s clear that NDSU has amazing strengths, tremendous opportunities, and, we have to also acknowledge, daunting challenges ahead.  I’m confident that if we all work together, we can forge an exciting and uplifting vision for the institution.

In the following weeks, I will focus on key areas to advance NDSU’s success and vision.  These areas are shaped by the NDSU Strategic Plan as well as great work done by the institution prior to my arrival. These areas are also informed by the many meetings I’ve already had with key stakeholders these past few months. They include:

  1. Enhancing Enrollment, Retention, and Academic Success;
  2. Prioritizing our R-1 Carnegie Classification status;
  3. Investing in the well-being of the people across our NDSU community;
  4. Building a stronger culture of Diversity, Equity, and Respect; and
  5. Embracing our critical role as a Land Grant University.

I’m excited to feel the energy of the approaching school year as students, staff, and faculty are re-emerging on campus.  I’m looking forward to meeting many more of you as I seek your advice and counsel over the next few months.  We have tremendous opportunities, and some hard work ahead of us.  I’m excited to embrace the challenge and the journey with all of you.

Go Bison!

David Cook, President


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