Clinical Psychology

What Is Clinical Psychology?

Clinical Psychology integrates science, theory, and practice to understand, predict, and alleviate maladjustment, disability, and discomfort as well as to promote human adaptation, adjustment, and personal development. Clinical Psychology focuses on the intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social, and behavioral aspects of human functioning across the life span, in varying cultures, and at all socioeconomic levels. - American Psychological Association, Div. 12


Study Topics

Clinical psychologists, including those at NDSU study topics such as:

  • understanding depression and the treatment of depression
  • how emotions impact decisions and behavior
  • causes of and treatments for poor health behaviors (e.g., smoking, alcohol abuse)
  • eating disorders
  • suicidal thoughts and behavior
  • self-regulation
  • how stress affects health and biological functioning in humans

Undergraduate Courses

Offered that are related to clinical psychology:

  • PSYC 211 - Introduction to Behavior Modification
  • PSYC 212 - Psychological Aspects of Drug Use and Abuse
  • PSYC 270 - Abnormal Psychology
  • PSYC 360 - Animal Behavior
  • PSYC 380 - Clinical Psychology
  • PSYC 381 - Understanding Suicide and its Impact
  • PSYC 382 - Self-Injury: Recognition & Treatment
  • PSYC 472 - Advanced Psychopathology
  • PSYC 473 - Child Psychopathology and Therapy
  • PSYC 481 - Health Psychology

Clinical Psychology Faculty and Research at NDSU

Anna Finley, Ph.D.*- Research Interests: Social and affective neuroscience, emotion regulation, self-regulation, well-being, healthy aging, loneliness

Clayton Hilmert, Ph.D.*  - Research Interests:  Stress, psychophysiology, and health

Leah Irish, Ph.D.* - Research Interests: Sleep, stress, health behaviors

Michael Robinson, Ph.D.* - Research Interests: Personality, emotion, cognition, self-regulation

*Clinical psychology related labs


Clinical Psychology Resources

Tell me more about clinical psychology - APA Division 12, Society of Clinical Psychology

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