NDSU Department of Public Health Directory


BHAGAVATHULA, Akshaya, Associate Professor, (701) 231-6549, Aldevron Tower 640S, Akshaya.Bhagavathula@ndsu.edu 

CHOI, Bong-Jin, Associate Professor, (701) 231-9788, Morrill Hall 221F, BongJin.Choi@ndsu.edu 

DANIELSON, Ramona, Assistant Professor, (701) 231-8916, Aldevron Tower 640I, Ramona.Danielson@ndsu.edu 

HUSETH-ZOSEL, Andrea, Associate Professor, (701) 231-8681, Aldevron Tower 640Q, Andrea.Huseth-Zosel@ndsu.edu 

JOHNSON, Pamela Jo, Chair and Professor, (701) 231-6323, Aldevron Tower 640R, Pamela.Jo.Johnson@ndsu.edu 

LARSON, Mary, Associate Professor, (701) 231-8603, Aldevron Tower 640P, Mary.Larson2@ndsu.edu 

NEWMAN, Tracie, Associate Professor of Practice/CIRE Medical Director, (701)231-5879, Aldevron Tower 640H, Tracie.Newman@ndsu.edu 

STRAND, Mark, Professor, (701) 231-7497, Sudro 118K, Mark.Strand@ndsu.edu 


Adjunct / Affiliate Faculty

CARSON, Paul, Emeritus Professor of Practice, (701) 231-8903, Aldevron Tower 640L, Paul.Carson@ndsu.edu 

FRENZEL, Oliver, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Oliver.Frenzel@ndsu.edu 

GOLD, Abby, Adjunct Associate Professor

MILLER, Tracy, Adjunct Assistant Professor, (701) 527-3288Tracy.K.Miller@ndsu.edu 

NJAU, Grace, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Administrative Staff

DEELSTRA, Sarah, Undergraduate Academic Coordinator, (701) 231-1867, Aldeveron Tower 640V, Sarah.Deelstra@ndsu.edu 

SKAFF, Angela, Operations Director/MPH Program Coordinator, (701) 231-7238, Aldevron Tower 640U, Angela.Skaff@ndsu.edu 

Research Staff

BUDNICK, Julianna, CIRE Immunization Communications Project Manager, Julianna.Budnick@ndsu.edu

DYBSAND, Lauren, CIRE Assistant Director, Lauren.Dybsand@ndsu.edu 

HALL, Kylie, CIRE Operations Director, (701) 231-6262, Aldevron Tower 640K, Kylie.Hall@ndsu.edu 

REARDON, Melissa, MFP Project Manager, (701) 231-6108, Melissa.Reardon@ndsu.edu

Sfeir, Athena, CIRE Vaccine Education Project Manager, (701) 231-5600, Aldevron Tower 640 O, Athena.Sfeir@ndsu.edu

Theuer, Trevor, CIRE Immunization Research Project Manger, (701) 231-5599, Aldevron Tower 640N, Trevor.Theurer@ndsu.edu

WILLIAMS, Maeve, CIRE Immunization Education (Peer to Peer) Project Manager, (701) 231-1827, Aldevron Tower 640M, Maeve.Williams@ndsu.edu

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