Public Health News
Traditional Foods Role in Health Promotion
12:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 10
Beaux Art Ballroom - Hobson MU
Bemidji State University
MPH student Jamie Holding Eagle will be presenting: Medicine Seed:…
For the 2nd year Peter Catches of Oceti Wakan in Pine Ridge was asked to serve on a panel at the National Institutes of Health with the Surgeon General as Chair. The focus was on Community-Based…
The American Public Health Association (APHA) will hold its annual meeting and expo in New Orleans. The 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Expo will be held November 15 - November 19, 2014. The theme…
Dr. Warne presented at the National Institutes of Health as part of Women's Health Week. On May 15, he provided the Keynote Address at the Pocahontas Memorial Research Symposium, and on May 16, he…
On May 2, the American Indian Public Health track of the MPH Program was honored to host a Traditional Healers Panel as part of Donna Grandbois' class Cultural Competence in American Indian Health. …
Dr. Donald Warne, NDSU MPH director, co-chaired the American Heart Association's Heart Walk in Fargo, ND. The walk was held at the Scheel's Arena, Saturday, May 3.
Twila Cutlip and Camilla Hawley presented their papers at the beginning of May. The picture above is Cutlip and Hawley with Dr. Donald Warne, Director of the NDSU MPH program. Both are spring 2014…
Although we have evidence to the contrary, many people still think of cardiovascular disease (CVD) as a disease primarily of men (1). This misconception stems from the fact that men tend to develop…