Hydrangea Propagation

Kristen Spohr


Text Box:  Introduction

A hydrangea is a flowering shrub that is hardy in the Midwest.It can display a variety of colors. There are 23 different species of hydrangeas and seven that are native to our climate (Zones 4-9). Hydrangeas are a deciduous shrub from the Hydrangeaceae family. They have many unique characteristics.


The eye-catching shrub has several growing requirements. The ideal temperature for hydrangea growth should range from 60-80oF.The shrub also requires moist and well drained soils.It likes partial shade and blooms from mid summer to fall. Depending on the soil ph, the flower color can vary.The flowers will be bluer when the soil ph is more acidic and when having more basic ph soils the flower color is pinker.Hydrangeas can grow anywhere from 3-6ft tall and spread from 3-6ft.



Hydrangea Propagation

Text Box:  Propagation of the hydrangea is mainly done by softwood cuttings.Propagation can be done by putting the cutting into water until roots form. However, it takes a lot of patients and is sometimes it is difficult to develop roots.The faster way to propagate hydrangeas is with the help of a plant growth hormone.A plant growth hormone will increase the amount time it takes to develop roots.


1)    Text Box:  The first step in propagation is to obtain your cuttings.The cutting should be taken from non-flowering green woody stems and cut at the base.One stem should provide about five good cuttings.Each cutting should have at least one leaf node or terminal bud. It is important not to damage the buds while obtaining the cuttings.The best time to harvest the cuttings is in the mornings from May-June or any time that the plant is not wilting.


2)    The next step is to prepare your media.The media should consist of one part peat and one part medium to fine grade perlite, vermiculite, or sand. Sand is an excellent idea because it allows good drainage.It is a good idea to moisten the media before putting into the pots, this helps in the prevention of soil drying out and developing diseases.


3)    The next step is to dip your cutting into your rooting hormone.Rooting hormones can be purchased at your local garden center.The most common hormone is IBA, and the typical amount used for hydrangea propagation is 10,000 ppm or 2%.Once you have the plant growth hormone prepared you can dip your cutting into the hormone.It is recommended that you place 1-2inches of the proximal end of the cutting into the hormone.Then place the cutting (up to the leaves) into the sterile media.

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4)    Now you are ready to plant the cuttings into the media. The first step is to cut the bottom leaf nodes off.Next you want to cut the leaves of your cutting down to about half the size.This step is done because you don�t want your leaves touching each other in the pots, which can cause rotting.



5)    Spray the plant until wet but don�t over water it.Watering is important for the first week, three times a day is recommended for the first week.Don�t place the plant in direct sunlight or wind.The key to watering is to water when top soil feels dry.Good drainage is also important to your cuttings.


6)    After you have watered your plants cover the cuttings and pots with plastic, making sure that the leaves are not touching the plastic.


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After a few weeks of carefully watering and appropriate sunlight you should see growth from your cuttings.�� The plants will continue to grow.Hydrangeas are fairly easy to root and create growth. Hydrangeas also can be used for floral arrangements and dried for crafts.Enjoy your newly propagated flowering shrub.






Google Imagines. http://images.google.com/

Horticulture Magazine. http://www.hortmag.com/

Hydrangeas! Hydrangeas! http://www.hydrangeashydrangeas.com/index.html

Kennedy�s Country Gardens. http://www.kennedyscountrygardens.com/hydrangeas.htm

Nantucket Hydrangea and Hydrangea Farm Nursery. http://nantuckethydrangea.com/

Ohio State University. http://ohioline.osu.edu/

Spring Meadow Nursery. http://www.pottedliners.com/

University of Maryland. http://www.agnr.umd.edu/users/cmrec/art4.htm

White Flower Farm. http://www.whiteflowerfarm.com

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