2020 ND Science Olympiad Event List
The ND State Science Olympiad is scheduled to be at NDSU on 4/26/2024.
We need volunteers with and without scientific experience
The ND State Science Olympiad is scheduled to be at NDSU on 4/26/2024.
We need volunteers with and without scientific experience
- As a faculty member or graduate student you are in a perfect position to lead an event in your area of expertise
- Anybody with an interest in a topic can help with an event under the guidance of the lead facilitator
- We also need general helpers for setup, registration, food delivery, etc. Go to bottom of the list for this.
- Tentative locations and volunteers are marked with ( )
- More information on these events is available on the National Science Olympiad website. https://www.soinc.org/ By emailing the directors or by attending one of the volunteer meetings scheduled on the Science Olympiad webpage.
1 BBFH = Bentson Bunker Fieldhouse
2 FLC = Katherine Kilbourne Burgum Family Life, 4-H Center
3 ABEN = Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
4 JSP = NW corner of Johnson Soccer Park
5 QBB = Quentin Burdick Building (formerly IACC)
2 FLC = Katherine Kilbourne Burgum Family Life, 4-H Center
3 ABEN = Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
4 JSP = NW corner of Johnson Soccer Park
5 QBB = Quentin Burdick Building (formerly IACC)
More information on Division B events is available on the national SO web site.
More information on Division C events is available on the national SO web site.
More information on Division C events is available on the national SO web site.
- Responsible for conducting the event according to the Current Science Olympiad Rules exactly as printed in the current Rules Manual. Do not assume that they are the same as last year. Read them carefully.
- Bring or obtain all material and questions necessary to conduct the event and coordinate with helpers or Co-Supervisors. The NDSU Science Olympiad Office may have or can get many of the needed items. Please ask before the day of the event!
- Answer questions but don't give answers, which would give any team an unfair advantage.
- Encourage and challenge students in a professional and friendly manner.
- Complete the scoring sheet and return it to the Bentson Bunker Fieldhouse Room 203 with all student papers and calculations used to figure final scores. Leave a set of questions and an answer key with your scores. Please plan to remain at headquarters after your scores have been turned in to answer questions of staff entering scores and arbitration team (usually less than five minutes). Every effort must be made to eliminate ties.
- Attend a facilitators meeting to answer questions (very important if you are new at facilitating).
- Communicate with Co-Facilitators to determine respective roles.
- Bring judging assistants or make certain that you have communicated in writing with the tournament site coordinator your needs for officials.
- Avoid a duplication of specimens or questions that you may have used at regional or state tournaments to avoid regional favoritism.
- Plan ahead and have a good time!
- Assist the Event Supervisor in the conduct of the event.
- Communicate with Supervisors to determine roles and responsibilities.
- Refer to numbers 1, 4, 6 and 9 in Event Supervisors list above.
- Plan ahead and have a good time!