Cambrian Period

Jere Lipp's on the radiation of the first animals

The Burgess Shale Foundation

Dr. Macrae's Burgess Shale page

Burgess Shale at the Smithsonian


Trilobites from Utah

Ordovician Period

Ordovician Fossils from New York

Ordovician Paleontology


Cladoselache and other Devonian sharks

Australian Lungfish

 Lobe - Finned Fish

 Acantostega gunneri

Devonian Red Hill site, Pennsylvania

 Devonian Rhynie Chert

Carboniferous Dendrerpeton



Russian mammal-like reptiles

Gorgonopsid from the Karoo beds of South Africa

 South African mammal-like reptiles

Pennsylvanian Mazon Creek fossils

Peabody Museum collection of Mazon Creek fossils

Lepidodendron and othe Carboniferous plants

Permian Period

Mass extinctions

A mathematical model for mass extinction

Cuffey on the link between reptiles and mammals

Causes of the Permian mass extinction