- Respect all property
and persons. If asked to leave private property, do so without
- comment.
- Close all field gates
and be careful not to damage fences.
- Be careful when hammering
on rock. Be especially careful when breaking resistant rocks
- e.g. slivers of limestone
or steel from the hammer can cause permanent injury. Wear gloves
- and safety glasses.
- Remember to respect
the safety of other students at all times. Never climb directly
- above another person.
Never dislodge rocks onto those below. Wear a hard hat in
- dangerous locations.
- Be
alert when crossing roads
- During camping hours,
please remember to be courteous to
others in the campground.
- Keep noise to a minimum,
and be careful with fire.
- No alcoholic
drinks or drugs.
- Trash bags are available
in the vehicles and at the campsite - use them!!! Keep mud out
- of the vehicles.
Put plastic bags over feet if necessary. Make every effort to leave the
- campground cleaner
than the condition in which you found it. This includes
- everybody
pitching in to clean up all debris, including
pull tabs, cans, non-flammable
- firepit debris, etc.
- Respect all other
persons. Report any cases of verbal, physical, or sexual harassment
- to the instructor