- End Moraine:
- a ridge made by the accumulation of glacial drift along the
margin of a glacier
- Esker:
- a serpentine ridge of sand and gravel deposited by a meltwater
stream, usually in a tunnel under a glacier
- Glacial Outwash:
- stratified and sorted sediment (mainly sand and gravel) deposited
by glacial streams in front of a glacial margin
- Ground Moraine:
- a sheet of glacial till deposited as a veneer of low relief
over preexisting topography
- Headward Erosion:
- lengthening of a valley at its upper end by gullying
- Kame:
- a low steep-sided hill composed largely of stratified gravel
or sand formed in contact with glacier ice. Also used as a term
for a family of more specific ice contact deposits
- Kettle:
- a depression in glacial drift, made by the melting of a detached
mass of glacial ice that has been buried in the ice
- Outwash Plain:
- a plain beyond the margin of the glacier, composed of glacial
outwash driftdeposited by meltwater streams
- Till:
- poorly sorted, nonstratified sediment deposited by a glacier