By Berlin
D. Nelson, Professor, Dept. Plant Pathology, NDSU

can dramatically reduce yields and quality of soybeans, can
increase production costs and have negative effects on marketing
and cropping decisions. There are a number of diseases that
occur in ND, but only a few that at present are widespread
and important (Phytophthora, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia root
rot and Sclerotinia stem rot).
diseases are, however, threatening to enter the state, such
as the soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome, and
may occur at any time. Information on biology and control
of diseases will be found in the following list.
To find information
on a disease click on the names in the right hand menu.
Management and Identification
of the problem is the first step in managing these diseases.
These are general guidelines for managing soybean diseases.
Use high quality seed. Certified
seed will minimize the introduction of soybean pathogens.
Avoid using seed produced on fields with the soybean cyst
nematode or other important diseases.
crop rotation. Soybean diseases, especially root rot,
build up when soybeans are in close rotations. Lengthening
rotations to three or four years between soybean crops allows
natural processes to reduce pathogen populations. Some crops
such as dry beans and sugarbeets may be infected by pathogens
that attack soybean. Have diseases positively identified so
sound decisions can be made on the use of rotation crops.
fields for disease. Record the incidence of disease,
because such information can be used to make good decisions
on management practices.
the soybean plant. Use good cultivation practices to
promote growth of soybean. Provide adequate soil fertility,
avoid soil compaction, enhance drainage, control weeds, and
avoid herbicide damage.
This site will
be updated as new information becomes available.