
Say you want to write a code that solves the one-dimensional diffusion equation with periodic boundary conditions. Don't worry if you don't understand this particular problem. It is just a specific example of a computational problem that you might have. Understanding the details of this is not important in order to follow the main points of this section. The diffusion equation is given by
\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} =
\kappa\frac{\partial^2\rho}{(\partial x)^2}
\end{displaymath} (1)

You can model this equation by writing a small lattice Boltzmann program. You could use many other ways, but lattice Boltzmann is close to my heart. If you are interested in the details of this algorithm you can find an explanation in appendix [*]. Your program1 might look something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define size 100
static Repeat=1000;
static double f0[size],f1[size],f2[size], omega=1, T=0.3;

void init(){
  int i;
  double density;
  for (i=0;i<size;i++){

void iterate(){
  int i;
  double density,tmp1,tmp2;
  for (i=0;i<size;i++){
  for (i=1;i<size;i++){

int main(){
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<Repeat;i++) iterate();
  return 0;
This is a very simple program which currently only consists of the main computational kernel. It does not ``do'' anything yet, since it has no output. It has been my general experience that the actual computation can usually be written in a succinct bit of code whereas the analysis and output make up the main part of the code. And this analysis tends to be so individual that there is little guidance in how to write this bit of the code.

Now we want to see what the code actually does. So we would like to see what the density is at each new time step and how it evolves. We might want to be able to re-initialize the simulation and maybe to initialize it with different initial conditions. Also, we might want to be able to change the size of the simulation. And on the fly, we might want to be able to change the diffusion constant which in this simulation is $\kappa=(1/\omega-0.5)T$. So we might want to change the two parameters independently so that we can examine how the numerical errors differ for the two approaches.

This may sound like quite a laborious task, but this is exactly what the mygraph library was designed to do. What we have to do is to tell the library which data we want to look at, give it some hints about its size, and it will be able to display it appropriately. We will also need a few other control variables to be able to tell the program that it should pause, run for only one step at a time, or that it should re-initialize. So this program, with a full graphical user interface (GUI),2 would look like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mygraph.h>

#define SIZE 100
static int size=SIZE,Repeat=1000,done=0,sstep=0,pause=1;
static double f0[SIZE],f1[SIZE],f2[SIZE], omega=1, T=0.3,Amplitude=1;
static double density[SIZE];
static int densityreq=0;

void init(){
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<size;i++){

void init2(){
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<size;i++){
    if (2*i>=size) density[i]=2+Amplitude; else density[i]=2-Amplitude;

void iterate(){
  int i;
  double tmp1,tmp2;
  for (i=0;i<size;i++){
  for (i=1;i<size;i++){

void GUI(){
      DefineFunction("Restart sin",&init);
      DefineFunction("Restart step",&init2);
    DefineGraph(curve2d_,"Density graph");
    DefineBool("Single step",&sstep);
    DefineInt("Repeat",&Repeat);    DefineBool("Done",&done);

int main(){
  int i;
  while (!done){
    Events(1); /* Whenever there are new data the argument of 
		  Events() should be nonzero. This will set the
		  requests for data so that you can calculate them
		  on demand only. For this simple program you can
		  always set it to one. */
    if (!pause || sstep){
      for (i=0;i<Repeat;i++) iterate();
    } else {
      sleep(1);/*when the program is waiting it returns the 
		 CPU time to the operating system */
  return 0;
Let us go briefly through the new additions to the program which implement the GUI. The function GUI() tells the graphical user interface about the data to display and the variables we want to be able to change interactively. Firstly we have the one-dimensional density field that we want to display. This data gives for a section of the natural numbers N one real number R. The function that tells the GUI about this is
The first argument is a string which corresponds to the name of the data as it will appear in the menus. The second argument is the data you want to display. More exactly, it is a pointer to the first element in the array. The third argument is a pointer to a variable giving the size of the data. We use a pointer rather than simply a number because if the size of the data changes during the simulation (and this change is reflected in a change of the variable size) the GUI will know about this and display the data correctly. Also note that we made the density an array, not just a temporary variable of the iterate routine, so that we can display it.

Then we start the menu for the GUI.

The first argument is the name of the menu, and the second argument is either 0 or 1. If it is 1 this indicates that the menu will be initially displayed. Since this is the first menu, it should certainly be displayed. Next we define two double variables as menu items
These functions have two arguments: the name as it appears in the menu and the address of the variable. We now define a sub-menu with a new StartMenu() function as above.
      DefineFunction("Restart sin",&init);
      DefineFunction("Restart step",&init2);
There are three new routines:
DefineMod("size",&size,SIZE+1) inserts a menu item for the variable size and only allows it to vary from 0 to SIZE.
DefineFunction() allows you to start functions which don't have any arguments to be called at the press of a button. The first argument of this function is again the name as it appears in the menu and the second is the address of the function you want to be able to call. Note that we introduced a second initialization routine that initializes the density as a step function to make things a bit more interesting.
EndMenu() tells the GUI that this is the end of the sub-menu.
Next we have a special menu item to display line graphs.
The routine that does this is DefineGraph(). The first argument of this function is an integer that is represented by the name curve2d_.3 The rest of the GUI implementation should now be self-explanatory.
    DefineBool("Single step",&sstep);

After we have successfully initialized the GUI there are two more library functions that you have to be aware of. Firstly

For any program with a graphical user interface you have to give the library functions a chance to react to mouse and keyboard events. It is this routine that does it. So you have to make sure that you call Events()4regularly so that windows can be redrawn, resized and mouse clicks can be acted upon. The second routine is
This routine will draw all the graphs that have need to be displayed.5One other consideration to keep in mind is that interacting with a user is slow. So you really don't want to call the Events() routine too often because that would make your program slow.

Now I just want to make a few more remarks about some useful steering parameters that I tend to use for simulations. We want to be able to stop the calculations temporarily to look at the data in leisure, to be able to step through the calculation one iteration at the time and to re-initialize the calculation. And we want to be able to quit the computation at the press of a button. So we define the variables

variable description
done this is equal to 0 until the simulation is finished
pause this is equal to 0 unless the simulation is paused
sstep this variable gets set to one to run the simulation for a single step
Repeat this variable is set to the number of steps that the simulation should be run until the Events() function is called again
With this explanation of the variables the logic of the main routine should be obvious.
  while (!done){
    if (!pause || sstep){
      for (i=0;i<Repeat;i++) iterate();
    } else {
      sleep(1);/*when the program is waiting it returns the 
                 CPU time to the operating system */
The only other comment I want to make is regarding the sleep(1) statement. This routine takes control away from the program and gives it to the operating system. Why would you want to do this? This is mainly a question of consideration for others and for any of your own programs that might be running at the same time. Without this statement the program would always use all the CPU cycles it can get its hands on, even if it is doing nothing else than waiting for any input you might want to give it. And while it is waiting, it might as well give some time to programs that really need it.

Alexander Wagner 2016-01-14