Extending Western North Dakota

Outland Exploration





Outland Exploration was pursued in conjunction with the Medora Area Convention and Visitor's Bureau, North Dakota State University Department of Architecture & Landscape Architecture and the Jim Osbun Economic Development Award of 2005.

We hope you enjoyed looking at the places, towns and countryside in Western North Dakota through the eyes of North Dakota State University senior landscape architecture students. The day trip itinerary and design recommendations were second projects for a tourism planning workshop and a landscape archirecture design studio during the fall semester, 2008.

Website and workshop by Assistant Professor Catherine Wiley (2008). For more information about this project and landscape architecture or community planning at North Dakota State University, please e-mail Assistant Professor Catherine Wiley Catherine.Wiley@ndsu.edu or interim department Chairman Ganapathy Mahalingam at Ganapathy.Mahalingam@ndsu.edu


Other public land and community information sources on the Web: 
 Medora http://www.medorand.com/visitor_info.htm 
West River Regional Tourism Council http://www.dakotawestadventures.com  
Theodore Roosevelt National Park http://www.nps.gov/thro  
Maah Dah Hey Trail http://www.nps.gov/archive/thro/tr_mdh.htm  
Little Missouri National Grasslands http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/dakotaprairie  
Beech http://www.beachnd.com  
Dickinson http://www.dickinsoncvb.com  
The Enchanted Highway http://www.enchantedhighway.net  
Kildeer http://www.killdeer.com/  
Little Missouri State Park http://www.parkrec.nd.gov/Parks/lmbsp.htm  
Dunn County http://www.dunncountymuseum.org  
Marmath http://www.marmarth.org  
Bowman http://www.bowmannd.com/tourism.html  

For more information on things to see and do in North Dakota, please see the state's tourism Web site: 