Group Member Evaluation

Evaluate your group members and yourself according to the following scale.

1 = Excellent. This person contributed extra inventively, thoughtfully, and actively to the group's work

2 = Good. This person contributed well to the group's work.

3 = Fair. This person contributed somewhat to the group's work, but missed one or more sessions, and/or failed to carry out some assigned work, and/or was passive and unhelpful at times during either the planning stages or the actual writing of the paper.

4 = Poor. This person did not contribute adequately to the group's work. He/she failed to show up for planning sessions, did not contribute ideas, did not carry out any needed activities, or otherwise left the group in the lurch.

After assigning each group member a number, feel free to add any explanatory comments you deem necessary.

Do not show this completed sheet to anyone but your instructor. All evaluations remain private.


Your name: _____________________

Name of Group Members

Numerical Evaluation & Comments






















Thank you!
